
The divalent verbs are called transitive, and these require an object to complete its meaning. It is possible to elide this object if it is obvious or irrelevant. The subject is the agent, and the object is the patient.

Nimalu dasi (nukki).


nimalu dasi (nukki).

bear eat (strawberry).

“The bear is eating (the strawberry).”

nidu にど to use

Transformative Verbs

Unlike those above, these verbs involve a fundamental change to their objects.

’idu いど to make

pifa ぴへ to create

pura ぷら to change; to be

si’a せあ to repair

lakka わっか to break

dasi だせ to consume

qarri げっり to open

turu とる to close

Motive Verbs

The unmarked argument structure is as follows: the oblique arguments for these are the same as for kinetic verbs, i.e.: ablative source, dative destination, and direction with pa. As for the core arguments, the agent of the movement is the subject, and the patient being moved is the object.


These are motive verbs focussing on movement to the destination.

Suma gi pa.


suma gi pa.

1tra carry 3ina;int.

“I picked it up.”

The agent may be moved into the dative position, since it is identical to the destination.

Pixi duci ’iffa.


pixi duci ’iffa.

1int own 3ina;tra.

lit: “(I) own it to me.”

“It’s mine.”

An animate source may be swapped with the patient, i.e.: the ablative becoming an object and vice versa.

ʔusu ku tali fu.


’usu ku tali fu.

1int 3ina;dat take 2tra.

lit: “I took you to it.”

“I’ve relieved you of it.”

duci どち to gain; to possess

gi  to pick up; to carry

tali たえ to take


These are motive verbs focussing on movement away from a source.

Suma maku pa.


suma maku pa.

1tra throw 3ina;int.

“I threw it.”

Similarly to dative motive verbs, the agent can be placed in ablative position, as they are identical to the source.

Puttu funi ’iffa.


puttu funi ’iffa.

1abl lack 3ina;tra.

lit: “(I’ve) lost it from me.”

“I don’t have it.”

With similarity again to the dative verbs, an animate destination may be swapped with the patient, i.e.: with the dative becoming an object and vice versa.

ʔusu kalu kuffa fu.


’usu kalu kuffa fu.

1int 3ina;abl give 2tra.

lit: “I gave you from it.”

“I’ve given you it.”

kuffa くっへ to give

saki さき to share

ga  to put

maku まく to throw

funi ふに to lose; to lack

Apparent Verbs

These act like the transitive counterpart of the adjectival verbs, i.e.: the patient as the subject, the cause in ablative and the experiencer in dative. The additional object, which makes these transitive, is an abstract noun that refers to a quality or attribute, or an inanimate noun that refers to an actual substance or energy being released. The precise verb is chosen by whether the ‘radiation’ is physical or subtle in nature.

Hifumari ba’u xi huba ra’u?


hifu-mari ba’u xi huba ra’u?

house-this 2dat seem important prs;sta?

“Does this house seem important to you?”

Musa xu sa’i.


musa xu sa’i.

Sun radiate light.

“The sun is shining.”

These verbs can also be used to signify the patients resemblance to something else. In this case, the other item or person is governed by the adposition ka  as.

Filli ka’aggami xu. / Filli ka’aggami xi.


filli ka-’aggami xu. / filli ka-’aggami xi.

2int as-police_officer appear. / 2int as-police_officer seem.

“You look like a police officer.” / “You act like a police officer.”

xi  to broadcast subtly

xu  to broadcast physically

Vital Verbs

These verbs require that both their objects and subjects are animate.

kuli くえ to meet; to know

ca  to help

hisu ひす to administer

kissa きっさ to fight

’ussa うっさ to obey

Action Verbs

These verbs take an activity as an object. These can take the form of pure nouns:

Hisutuba tara sinna.


hisutuba tara sinna.

babysitter begin story.

“The babysitter started the story.”

They can also take gerunds:

Kipu nu dasiruqa hafi.


kipu nu dasi-ru-qa hafi.

ox stop eat-ger-gen grass.

“The cow stopped its eating of the grass.”

la  to do

tara たら to begin

tuni とに to repeat

nu  to stop

naqa なげ to need

tapu たぷ to look forward to; to enjoy