Ambitransitive verbs can be used with or without an argument in the object position.
Perceptive Verbs
These verbs deal with the subject’s ability to perceive stimuli.
When used purely intransitively, i.e.: with no direct or dative object, they refer to a general ability to use that sense:
“The blind person can now see.”
When used with a direct object, this denotes a conscious effort at perception:
“The audience watched the screen.”
When used with a dative object, this instead lacks that effort:
Mihu kulasidaxi ju’isataduru ’usa.
mihu ku⁠-lasida-xi ju’isatadu⁠-ru ’usa.
3ani;int dat-secret-seem conversation-ger see.
“She saw the secret meeting.”
’usa うさ to see
hulu ほを to hear
cussi ゆっせ to feel
ji’i じい to taste
cikki ちっき to perceive
dissu でっす to emote
lu’i をい to love
qacca げっや to choose
qi ね to experience
Communicative Verbs
The communication itself is the object, and the recipient is dative.
Kimilli kul·lani ’i ’issi.
kimilli ku⁠-lulani ’i ’issi.
king dat-queen speak song
“The king sang to the queen.”
Indirect speech is signified by a complement object. As with any complement, the topic of the inner clause is the same as the outer clause.
Kimilli jusi ’i li (su’a) lu’i lulani ru.
kimilli jusi ’i li (su’a) lu’i lulani ru.
king 3ani;dat speak com (3top) love queen prs;gno.
“The king told her he loved the queen.”
Kimilli jusi ’i li mihu lu’i lulani ru.
kimilli jusi ’i li mihu lu’i lulani ru.
king 3ani;dat speak com 3ani;int love queen prs;gno
“The king told her she loved the queen.”
Directly reported communication is separated from the main clause by a comma, and may be put on either side. In this case, the recipient may be in either the object position or dative. This argument structure can also be used without a specific communication.
“The king said ‘hello’ / spoke to the queen.”