
Intransitive verbs are monovalent. For the archetypal intransitives, the verbal patient is the subject.

Badiri ru cura.


badiri ru cura.

world prs;gno change.

“The world is always changing.”

cura ゆら to change; to be different

huba ほば to breathe; to be alive

giri ぎり to conceive; to be pregnant

gupi ぐぴ to sit down; to wait

siku せく to die; to be dead

hacci はっち to awaken; to be awake

nara なら to sleep; to be asleep

nu’ifi ぬいべ to hide; to be hidden

Adjectival Verbs

These verbs allow the speaker to describe an attribute of the subject.

Linu ra’u ki. / Linu qixa ki.


linu ra’u ki. / linu qixa ki.

tree prs;sta big. / tree prs;dyn big.

“The tree is big. / The tree is growing.”

The actor who imparts such an attribute is put in the ablative case.

Juffila kaluMa’iliguna pani.


juffila kalu-Ma’iliguna pani.

dragon abl-Maelgwn tame.

”The dragon was tamed by Maelgwn.”

The experiencer who perceives such an attribute is put in the dative case.

Liqa kuhisuba bi’u.


liqa ku-hisuba bi’u.

head dat-administrator hurt.

lit: “The head seems sore to the administrator.”

“The administrator has a headache.”

mu  good

’anu あぬ balanced

guqqi ぐっね bad

tuhi とひ little

ki  big

ri  smooth

qira ねら rough

nama なま light

kuppu くっぷ strong

pani ぱに tame

nittu にっと wild

suqa すげ ready

bi’u びう sore

Chromatic Verbs

These are adjectival verbs specifically dealing with colour.

kiʔa きっあ white

ga  black

miku みく red

baju ばよ blue

sa  yellow

millu みっを brown

Kinetic Verbs

These verbs deal with motion of the subject. The origin of the movement is in ablative case, the destination in dative, and the general direction is marked with the adposition pa.

malu まを to move to; to be in a place

janni ぢっに to accelerate; to move around

’ussa うっさ to follow

nura ぬら to leave; to be apart from

madi まで to rise; to be high

ka’u かう to jump

hussu ほっす to fall; to be low

saja さぢ to lie down; to be lying down

tiku てく to turn

na  to turn towards; to face

raca らや to be hung; to be hanging

fiqu べも to float; to be floating

tihu てほ to move to; to abide

Quasi-Transitive Verbs

These are intransitive verbs in that they do not require a noun phrase in the object position. However, they act transitively by having a second noun phrase marked in a particular way.

Oblique Arguments

These are marked with an oblique case marker:

Luna kalujifiru’i mala; luna kalu’ilupahi mala.

。をなかをじべるいまわ / をなかをいをぱひまわ。

luna kalu-jifiru’i mala; luna kalu-’ilu-pahi mala.

moon abl-lake reflect; moon abl-heart-1gen reflect.

“The moon is reflected in the lake; the moon is reflected in my heart.”

The usual case assignment for objects of each of these verbs is shown in the wordlist for this section.

mala まわ to reflectablative

faxi へし to survivedative


These verbs are used to denote the degree of similarity between two nouns. Their nuance can be modified by use of different case markers or adpositions.

Case denotes unmarked similarity or difference, dative for the former, ablative for the latter.

Nimalu kuquliruxita runi.


nimalu ku-quliru-xita runi.

bear dat-family-one similar.

“The bear is like one of the family.”

The adposition haru はる with denotes a slight similarity or difference.

ʔusu ra’u haruxissatanissa runi.


’usu ra’u haru-xissatanissa runi.

1int prs;sta with-musician similar.

“I am somewhat of a musician.”

The adpositions ’adi あで near and xidu しど far denote a large similarity or difference.

Mari ra’u xidupajiga tinna.


mari ra’u xidu-pajiga tinna.

this prs;sta far-olive different.

“This is nothing like an olive.”

runi るに to be similar to

tinna てっな to be different from

Symmetric Relations

The participants of these verbs are equivalent to each other, that is, if Alice acts on Bob, then Bob acts on Alice in the same way. When the subject is Alice, say, then Bob can:

1. Be placed in the object position. Despite the structure, this is not transitive, as the verb has no passive, and pronouns use the intransitive form:

ʔallisi sisa Bubu.


ʔallisi sisa Bubu.

Alice contact Bob.

“Alice is touching Bob.”

2. Take dative marking:

ʔallisi kuBubu ju’i.


ʔallisi ku-Bubu ju’i.

Alice dat-Bob link.

“Alice is married to Bob.”

3. Be conjoined with the subject:

ʔallisi Bubuta hulla.


ʔallisi Bubu-ta hulla.

Alice Bob-and copulate.

“Alice and Bob are having sex.”

The basic meaning of these sentences is not changed when swapping the participants or using the alternate structures.

ju’i よい to join

sisa せさ to touch

haru はる to accompany

hulla ほっわ to copulate; to have consumated