
The basic colour terms are all verbs:

baju ばよ blue

sa  yellow

miku みく red

millu みっを brown

kiʔa きっあ white

ga  black

Both light and dark blue and covered by baju ばよ blue, as well as the darkest violets, and all but the lightest shades of green. Standard yellow is sa  yellow, which also covers the lightest shades of orange and green. All of red and pink, light purples and most of the orange spectrum is referred to as miku みく red, however, dark orange is subsumed under millu みっを brown.

The figure above shows which shades are referred to by which term. White and light grey are kiʔa きっあ, as opposed to ga  black for darker shades.

All colour terms can be compounded to refer to specific hues.

mikumulu みくむを blood red

bajukunubi ばよくぬび sky blue

kiʔamasi きっあませ snow white