
Numerals and mathematical operations are particles.

Cardinal Numbers

The number system in High Lulani uses balanced sesquidecimal (base 15), and so numbers are written with the positive digits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7), their negative counterparts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) and a zero (0). A period (fractional point: . ) is used to separate the integer part of the number from the mantissa. A comma (,) is used in the integer part to separate the digits into groupings of four, beginning from the fractional point.

One-digit Numbers

Here are the names for the one-digit numbers:

xitaした 1

The full form qihha ねっは zero is only used when by itself, or first in a number or noun phrase. Otherwise, the clipped form -hha っは ten is used.

Two-digit Numbers

Numbers between 17 and 16 are composed of the quasi-prefix sa  and the final two syllables of the number, except for salura (not sara) 12.

Round numbers, i.e.: numbers ending with a single zero, use the suffix -hha っは.

sahha さっは 10

rahha らっは 20

kifihha きべっは 30

All other two digit numbers, except for 22, are formed by juxtaposing the tens digit with the units.

mukifi むきべ 13

xitasalumi したさをみ 17

ranuru らぬる 24

kifilaffi きべわっべ 35

The word for 22, the exception, is ranira らにら.

Three- and Four-digit Numbers

Three- and four-digit numbers are divided into the number of hundreds, and the remainder. This remainder is always the last two digits of the number.

The word for 100 is takki たっき. Other three-digit numbers beginning with a 1 are formed by prefixing this word to the remainder, while even larger three- and four-digit numbers append it to the number of hundreds, which is then followed by the remainder as a separate word.

takkinurukannu たっきぬるかっぬ 142

guhitakki ’usibila ぐひたっき うせびわ 563

sahhatakki kifinuru さっはたっき きべぬる 1034

kannuratakki missumu かっぬらたっき みっすむ 2241

In any of these cases, if the remainder is zero, it is left off.

mutakki むたっき 100

ratakki らたっき 200

saguhitakki さぐひたっき 1500

bilasalumitakki びわさをみたっき 3700

Higher and Lower Order Numbers

When a number is written out in digits, each set of four digits from the fractional point makes up a group. The group furthest from the fractional point may not have this full quota of digits. An index marker notes the identity of a particular group.

The index marker is composed of the prefix pa-  followed by the number of groups between this one and the fractional point. Positive index numbers are for the integer part of the number, and negative index numbers are for the mantissa.

The index marker is suffixed to the group word.

paxita ぱした 1,0000

para ぱら 1,0000,0000

pakifi ぱきべ 1,0000,0000,0000

pamu ぱむ 0.0001

samissu paxita さみっすぱした 14,0000

takkiranira paxita たっきらにらぱした 122,0000

’usitakki mura paxita うせたっき むらぱした 612,0000

There is nothing preventing an index-marked number being used within another index marker, although the second pa- is usually geminated.

pappaxita ぱっぱした 1,00001,0000

papappaxita ぱぱっぱした 1,00001,0000^1,0000

Non-integral Numbers

Reading Mantissas

There are two ways to read a mantissa. One uses the above method of index markers, and the second reads out the digits in pairs or individually. These methods are often combined: using index markers for the first digit groups, and then continuing to read digits separately.

Repeating and Reflecting Strings

All rational numbers end with a repeating string of digits. For some numbers, this string is “0”. In non-zero cases, the word tuni とに repeat is inserted before the repeating string. The string must be read out with individual digits.

There are also numbers for which the repeating string can be cut in half, with digits in the second half being the negative of the digits in the first half. For these, only the first half is read out, with the word mala まわ reflect inserted.

tuni guhira とに ぐひら 0.5252…

paqihha xita tuni guhira ぱねっは したとにぐひら 0.15252…

paqihha xita mala guhira ぱねっは したまわぐひら 0.152525252


The suffix -ki  separates the numerator from the denominator. If the numerator is 1, then saki さき is used.There is also a commonly used variant for ½: ’ima いま.

’ima / saki ra さき ら。いま ½

sak·kifi さき きべ 

kifi:-ki nuru きべき ぬる ¾

Other Numbers

Other numbers include:

fixi べし the circle constant τ

du’ami どあみ the imaginary number i

’u  the base e of the natural logarithm

Fixi batu du’ami calu ’u ’anu xita.


fixi batu du’ami calu ’u ’anu xita

τ multiply i power e equals one.

e to the power of τ times i equals one.”

Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers are used to mark position in a line or a list.

The first two ordinal numbers are suppletive, that is, they are not related to their cardinals. All other ordinals are formed by adding the suffix -uju  to the cardinal number.

bijju びっよ 1st

matta まった 2nd

kifuju きふよ 3rd

nuruju ぬるよ 4th

salumuju さをむよ 7th

saqikkuju さねっくよ 10th

saxituju さしとよ 11th

takkuju たっくよ 100th

Using Numbers

Ordinal and cardinal numbers are used in noun phrases, and are inserted between any case markers or adpositions, and the noun.

nuruju kimilli


nuru-uju kimilli

four-ord king

“the fourth king”

kalusalumi lulani


kalu-salumi lulani

abl-seven queen

“due to the seven queens.”

Numbers can be suffixed to a noun to denote not the quantity, but a quality.

salumi sinnadi


salumi sinnadi

seven book

“seven books”






The number ra  two can be used in this way to refer to a pair of something.

luffura をっふら eyes

’itikkura いてっくら breasts

tibara てばら legs