
The comparative marker is an adposition su  than placed on the noun being compared against.

Hannaku suqikanni xusina.


hannaku su-qikanni xusina.

Cat than-dog be_pretty.

“Cats are cuter than dogs.”

For “little more”, the qualifier tuci とち half-do is affixed to the verb.

Luffuba suhuri bajutuci.


luffu-ba su-huri baju-tuci.

Eyes-2gen than-ocean blue-half_do.

“Your eyes are slightly bluer than the ocean.”

For “a lot more”, the qualifier is rali らえ intensely.

Musa suxuhha cussi’alarali.


musa su-xuhha cussi’ala-rali.

Sun than-fire feel_hot-intensely.

“The Sun is much hotter than fire.


The equilative marker is ka  as, an adposition.

ʔusu kafilli qi’iku.


’usu ka-filli qi’iku.

1int as-2int feel_hungry.

“I am as hungry as you are.”


The superlative marker, contrary to the other two, is a particle piba ぴば placed before the verb.

Jamahi piba xusajja.


jamahi piba xu-sajja.

Garden most be_quiet.

“The gardens are the quietest.”

piba xusajjara’u jamahi


piba xu-sajja-ra’u jamahi

most be_quiet-prs;sta garden

“the quietest garden.”