Sample Text

This comes from an early draft of Prelude, the first chapter of The Crackled Egg, from The Coelacanth Quartet





That which is above the story


Kurila cani pamila matta naru, ’ala qira’ataqa nigup·pi jagaru pamana.


Kurila cani pamila matta naru, ’ala qira-’a-ta-qa ni-gupi-pi jagaru pamana.

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ prs;dyn be_conscious again slowly, heat rough-nmn-and-gen in-sit-pst;sta sand realise.

Qōla is becoming slowly conscious again, realising the heat and roughness of the sand in which (she) is sitting.

Corla came back to consciousness slowly, the heat and the coarseness of the sand on which she sat penetrating her mind.

Cani maditiba bata.


cani maditiba bata.

prs;dyn stand carefully.

(She) stands up carefully.

She gingerly stood up.

Kanura ra’u kal·li nicur·ru gupikarafi pi bi’u.


kanu-ra ra’u kal·li ni-cura-ru gupi-karafi pi bi’u.

Leg-pair prs;sta abl-com in-time_passes-ger sit-enlightenment pst;sta hurt.

(Her) legs are hurting because of sitting enlightened while time passed.

Her legs ached from holding the meditative pose for so long.

Kifiqa qixa turubasillu, xitaqa lanu turubasillu, ’aditihutuja, cani pa.


kifi-qa qixa turubasi-illu, xita-qa lanu turubasi-illu, ’adi-tihutuja, cani pa.

Three-nmn pst;dyn cover-psv, one-nmn fut;dyn cover-psv, near-home, prs;dyn think.

Three of them have been covered over, one of them will be covered over, (I’m) near the living place, (she) thought.

Three down, one to go, she thought to herself.

Haru’usi dattusaqa Tinalli, li ’usi marila canari ku’ahati micita dissuka ’usu.


haru-’usi dattusa-qa Tinalli, li ’usu marila cani<-ar-> ku-’ahati mici-ta dissu-ka ’usu.

With-six god-gen Tinellb, com 1int do_this prs;dyn<trm> dat-happiness peace-and feel-abv 1int.

With the six gods of Tinellb, me finishing doing this will make me feel happiness and peace.

By the six gods of Tinellb, I’ll be glad to finish this and have some peace.

Kikafasa dissu kal·li kal·lu’ipu’a nura dukku na kixina hibu.


kika-fasa dissu kal·li kalu-lu’i-pu’a nura dukku na kixina hibu.

over-moment feel abl-com abl-love-nmn separate must prs;hab grief allowing_oneself.

(She) allows herself for a moment to feel grief from (the fact that she) must repeatedly be separated from (her) lover.

She allowed herself to feel grief for a moment, grief at being continually separated from her beloved.

Ku·li ’amilaru piba kuppu xiku racaxa disi ’usaju’illuru lanu qapi ru palinu qixa, surra maditiba, cani pajagaru milami.


ku·li ’amila-ru piba kuppu xiku raca-xa disi ’usaju’i-illu-ru lanu qapi ru palinu qixa, surra maditiba, cani pajagaru milami.

dat-com do_something-ger most strong rel hang-dtv 3ani;gen find-psv-ger fut;dyn rope prs;gno realise pst;dyn, because stand_up, prs;dyn assess surroundings.

Because (she) realises (the fact that) doing something is the strongest rope to hang his finding on, (she) stands up, (she) assesses her surroundings.

Realising that activity was the surest way to finding him again, she stood up to take stock of her situation.

Bufiqa daru ra’u qapaccafuni harujagaru nacca gupikunaqi jamicussi.


bufi-qa daru ra’u qa-pacca-funi haru-jagaru nacca gupi-kunaqi jami-cussi.

stone-gen road prs;sta down-number-without with-sand covering sit-dirt evidentially-touch.

A road of stone seems to be sitting on the ground under the covering with numberless sand.

Underneath the thin layer of sand, she could feel paving stones.

Hulu’anisa ji bigusuli qu, rubaqa gusuli ra’u xidu dissilu.


hulu-’a-nisa ji bi-gusuli qu ruba-qa gusuli ra’u xidu dissu-ilu.

hear-nmn-only prs;neg from-people and, sense_image-gen people prs;sta far_away feel-psv.

The only things which are heard are not from people, and the sense of people felt far away.

Only natural sounds could be heard, and the sense of human life was far distant.

Daru tasi jami.


daru tasi jami.

Road probably evidentially.

It seems to probably be a road.

A road perhaps.

Ji rika, nufira ru.


ji rika, nufira ru.

prs;neg condition, hope prs;gno.

It is not this condition, (I) hope it is.

At least, I hope so.

ʔalamusa ra’u kalupa’akagi cussixa.


’ala-musa ra’u kalu-pa’aka-gi cussi-xa.

Heat-sun prs;sta abl-shoulder-left feel-dtv.

Sunheat is felt from over (her) left shoulder.

The sun could be felt over her left shoulder.

Musa gabasilluru, nuki ’usixaru ra’u?


musa ga-basi-illu-ru, nuki ’usi-xa-ru ra’u?

Sun put-covering-psv-ger, or see-dtv-ger prs;sta?

The covering over of the sun, or is it the showing?

Is it sunrise or sunset?

ʔusu gibi sumikasija nakalu ra’u?


’usu gibi sumika-sija na-kalu ra’u?

1int east west-or point-body prs;sta?

Am I pointing my body to the east or to the west?

Am I facing east or west?

Piba kuppura’u rubaqa ciʔa du’ikalumusa.


piba kuppu-ra’u ruba-qa ciʔa du’i-kalu-musa.

Most strong-prs;sta sense_image-gen life opposite-abl-sun.

The strongest sense of life (is) from the other side of the sun.

The strongest sense of life was opposite the sun.

Ji li kikami ru cikki, gi’a li ci’u kalugupinuru sa’ibassilu ji palinu.


ji li kika-mi ru cikki, gi’a li ci’u kalu-gupi-nu-ru sa’i-bassa-ilu ji pa-linu.

prs;neg com interval-some prs;gno telepath, and com nothing abl-sit-stop-ger fix-situation-psv prs;neg think-realisation.

(She) doesn’t sense over what distance it is, and realises that nothing isn’t fixed from sitting still.

She couldn’t tell how far, but she realised that nothing was going to be solved by sitting still.

Tuhinuhulu su’a nin·niga kibba, qu canisi jadaru bimusa janni bata.


tuhinuhu-ulu su’a nina-niga kibba, qu cani-si ja-daru bi-musa janni bata.

fold_up-undo 3top for-guide stick, and prs;dyn-inc along-road out_of-sun move care.

(She) unfolds her own guide stick, and with care starts moving along the road out of the sun.

She unfolded her cane and carefully began following the roadway away from the sun.

Kassula musaqapi!


kassu-la musa-qapi!

Buy-do day-chain!

Chain of days for the buying!

Market week!

ʔiluqa Turassi xisa’i.


’ilu-qa Turassi xi-sa’i.

Heart-gen KF:/tr̩ʃ/ seem-light.

The emotional body of Tŗsh projects light.

Toresh’s heart sang within her.

Rannaxi xiku ninali qa kunubitu’afu gi’assa lanu ra’u ga’i gi’a, pajiga nallimiqa sulata ninaxatiqa karra lisami’ulata purakassu.


ranna-xi xiku nina-li qa kunubi-tu’afu gi-’assa lanu ra’u ga’i gi’a, paji-ga nallimi-qa sula-ta nina-xati-qa karra lisa-mi’ula-ta pura-kassu.

Glory-showing rel for-com down dat-land-plain carry-goods fut;dyn prs;sta time that_is, fruit-black cheese-gen goat-and for-flour-gen wheat paper-reed-and change-buy.

A glory-having time for the carrying down of goods down to the plain-lands, that is, trade blackfruit and the cheese of goats for wheat of flour and reedpaper.

That glorious time to take goods down to the flatlands, trading olives and goat cheese for wheat flour and papyrus.

Li ju’isatadu ximussaru gusutakki, qu kugusunulli kikaga’i nura nagi lati.


li ju’i-satadu xi-mussa-ru gusu-takki, qu ku-gusu-nulli kika-ga’i nura nagi lati.

com join-conversation appear-exoticism-prs;gno person-many and dat-person-hill for-while separate fut;sta opportunity.

An opportunity for conversing with many exotic-seeming people and separate from the hillpeople for a while.

A chance to meet exotic people and get away from the hillfolk for a time.

Li xi’allaru sula hafinullitaqa ta’i puramilami jagarudacani quhhaqa ta’i lanuqa lati.


li xi-’alla-ru sula hafi-nulli-ta-qa ta’i pura-milami jagaru-da-cani quhha-qa ta’i lanu-qa lati.

com appear-familiarity-prs;gno goat grass-hill-and-gen scent change-circumstance sand-water-having river-gen scent fut;dyn-gen opportunity.

An opportunity to change the circumstances from scents of familiar-seeming goats and hillgrass to those of watersand having rivers.

A chance to exchange the familiar smells of goat and heath for the scent of the silty river.

Ninali turukuffa ’ita’i’assa canari ca kitisu.


nina-li turukuffa ’ita’i’assa cani<-ar-> ca kitisu.

of-com fill wagon prs;dyn<trm> help father.

(She) is finishing helping (her) father with stacking the wagon.

She finished helping her parents fill the wagon.

Taku nikamiriqa sula bili padissu kiluquru qixa ca, pada kikaxiku ’adi ni’adda ru laruluminisa bili qakunulli jannillu.


taku ni-kamiri-qa sula bi-li pa-dissu kiluqu-ru qixa ca, pada kika-xiku ’adi ni-’adda ru laru-lumi-nisa bi-li qa-ku-nulli janni-nika na saki-mici-illu.

pst;hab at-pen-gen goat from-com think-new walk-ger pst;dyn help, and_then over-rel near at-past prs;gno year-several-only from-com down-dat-hill move-travel prs;hab share-permission-psv.

(She) repeatedly helped in the goat pen from the learning to walk, and was given permission to repeatedly travel down the hill only over the several recent years in the past.

She had helped in the goat pens since she learned to walk, but only been allowed to travel down the hills within the last few years.

Pi’adu cani du’ikaluhafitisaka kumallijakuqa tu rubasika.


Pi’adu cani du’i-kalu-hafi-tisaka ku-malliju-aku-qa tu cikki.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ prs;dyn opposite-abl-field-village dat-joy-aug-gen offspring sense_image-drv.

Piadû sensed the great joy of the offspring from the other side of the village-field.

Piado felt his daughter’s excitement from across the compound.

Kiladikka ’ilusu’a, gi’a kuTurassi ’inada ’ixxa’i.


ki-ladi-kka ’ilu, gi’a ku-Turassi ’i-nada ’ixxa’i.

Big-spreading-abv heart-self, and dat-KF:/tr̩ʃ/ speak-emotional_plane pride.

(He) spread out his own emotional body, and empathically sent pride to Tŗsh.

He reached out with his own heart, sending the pride he felt for her.

Kutisakaqa hisubajana ’inara, kukitisu matta, qu ma’iki kuli ’adiTurassi ’ita’·’assata cani jannikiluqu.


ku-tisaka-qa hisu-ba-jana ’i-nara, ku-kitisu matta, qu ma’iki ku-li ’adi-Turassi ’ita’i-’assa-ta cani janni-kiluqu.

dat-town-gen rule-nmn-elder say-goodbye, dat-wife-self also, and across dat-com near-KF:/tr̩ʃ/ car-goods-and prs;dyn move-walk.

(He) said goodbye to the elder-ruler of the town, and also his own wife, and walked across to the (he is) near Tŗsh and the goods-car.

He farewelled the village elder, and his own wife, and walked across to join Toresh and the wagon.

Sara cani kukipuqa rali sisa pada, ’ita’·’assa ra’usi janni.


sara cani ku-kipu-qa rali sisa pada, ’ita’i-’assa ra’u-si janni.

Rein prs;dyn dat-horse-gen back contact and_then, car-goods prs;sta-inc move.

The reins were put in contact with the back of the horse, and then the goods-car started moving.

With a slight touch of the reins to the back of the draughtsbeast, the wagon started moving.

Pi’adu kikabijaju curriqa faluki janni’ita’ikka, jafa’akaqa quhha qanulli janni.


Pi’adu kika-bijju curri-qa faluki janni-’ita’i-kka, ja-fa’aka-qa quhha qa-nulli janni.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ over-first section-gen journey move-car-abv, along-gorge-gen river down-hill move.

Piadû drove over the first part of the journey, (he) moved along the gorge of the river down the hill.

Piado was driving for the first leg of the journey, following the river gorge down the hills.

Quhha qa xidu ’usixa, pa ra’u nifa’idaqa laru suxudini kituci.


quhha qa xidu ’usi-xa, pa ra’u ni-fa’ida-qa laru su-xudi-ini ki-tuci.

River down far see-dtv, 3ina;int prs;sta at-present-gen year more-flow-dim big-half_do.

The river could be seen far down, it is kind of bigger than a small flow at the present part of the year.

The river could be seen far below, little more than a trickle at this time of year.

Qaliʔi mallijakuqa Turassi tuhi cani, haru lanu kalu’ita’iqa janni’issaru nara.


qa-liʔi malliju-aku-qa Turassi tuhi cani, haru lanu kalu-’ita’i-qa janni-’issa-ru nara.

Down-beginning joy-aug-gen KF:/tr̩ʃ/ small prs;dyn, as fut;dyn abl-car-gen move-vibration-ger sleep.

As the big joy of Tŗsh from since the beginning became small, (she) will sleep because of the vibration of the car.

Toresh’s initial excitement faded as she was lulled into sleep by the gently rocking wagon.

Pi’adu qirisunarakka quhu dumi daru’i, li nirasi kalupamilarudisi kissa’agudanna nubitu’afuri da’aru lanu pagi.


Pi’adu qi-risu-nara-kka quhu dumi daru’i, li ni-rasi kalu-pa-mila-ru-disi kissa-’agu-danna naqi-tu’afu-ri da’aru lanu pagi.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ experience-want-sleep-abv 3ani;tra try because, com at-future abl-think-surroundings-ger-3ani;gen fight-contest-succeed land-plain-nmn experience fut;dyn think-hold.

Piadû tries to make her experience a want for sleep, because (he) knows that in the future her being conscious of her surroundings will have (them) succeed in contest with the people of the plains.

Piado encouraged her sleepiness because he knew he would need her awake if they were to best the flatlanders.

Ci’u ji nidaru.


ci’u ji ni-daru.

Nothing prs;neg at-road.

Nothing is not at the road.

There was no one on the road.

Xabanisa ra’u xiku kalu’ita’i kiputa xu’illu ra’u pa.


xaba-nisa ra’u xiku kalu-’ita’i kipu-ta xu-’illu ra’u pa.

Sound-only prs;sta rel abl-wagon horse-and broadcast-psv prs;sta 3ina;int.

The only noise is it that is broadcast by the car and horse.

The only sounds were those made by the wagon and the draughtsbeast.

ʔita’i tikunarra janni ra’u, mani Pi’adu nujanniruqa kipu gi’ika, sisa tuhiru kaluqa gusu ga’iniqqi tuci ji.


’ita’i tiku-narra janni ra’u, ma-ni Pi’adu nu-janni-ru-qa kipu gi’ika, sisa tuhi-ru kalu-qa gusu ga’i tuci ji.

Car turn-corner move prs;sta, where-at KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ stop-move-ger-gen horse to, contact small-prs;gno body-gen person time half_do prs;neg.

When the car is moving around the corner, Piadû stopped the movement of the horse in order to not touch a small body of a person in a mostly timely manner.

As the wagon came around a corner, Piado checked the draughtsbeast’s movement just in time to avoid a short figure.

Jusi ’ilagini li mihu janni lanu qu, datu nu surra, mihu pasu’a nidu’usaji luffu ’usa nagi.


jusi ’i-lagi-ni li mihu janni lanu qu datu nu surra mihu pa-su’a nidu-’usa-ji luffu ’usa nagi.

3ani;dat say-scream-inc com 3ani;int move fut;dyn and, 3top;dat stop when, 3ani;int towards-3top with-see-prs;neg eye see fut;sta.

(He) started yelling at her for her to move, and stopped himself when she will be looking towards himself with eyes that aren’t seeing.

He started yelling at her to move, but stopped when she raised sightless eyes to him.

ʔusu kalli ba’u ’ihiqaku qixa dissu ’isili qu, sama xidu’umi harucu’i malukka fu ra’u?


’usu kalu-li ba’u ’i-hiqa-aku qixa dissu ’isili qu, sama xidu-’umi haru-ci’u malu-kka fu ra’u?

1int abl-com 2dat say-demand-aug pst;dyn feel sorrow and, what far_away-anything with-nothing be-abv 2tra prs;sta?

I feel sadness because (I) loudly demanded (something) of you and what made you be far away from anything with nothing?

I’m sorry for yelling at you, but what are you doing out here by yourself?

Qikaʔa rusa?


qi-kaʔa rusa?

Experience-loss pst;gno?

Have (you) been experiencing loss until now?

Are you lost?

Saqalaqa ’allaxi faʔaji’a cani ’ixarunisaqa su’a.


saqala-qa ’alla-xi faʔa-ji’a cani ’i-xa-ru-nisa-qa su’a.

Word-gen familiarity-broadcasting language-not prs;dyn say-dtv-ger-only-gen 3top.

Words of a familiar non-language are the only things that were said to him.

Words in an alien language were his only reply.

Cani kuxiku qiniddaku xuga ra’u tu kuffa sara pada, lanu qakalu’ita’i janni.


cani ku-xiku qi-niddi-aku xuga ra’u tu kuffa sara pada, lanu qa-kalu-’ita’i janni.

prs;dyn dat-rel experience-alertness-aug suddenly prs;sta offspring give reins and_then, fut;dyn down-abl-wagon move.

(He) gives the reins to the offspring who is suddenly experiencing great alertness, and then (he) will move down from the car.

Handing the reins to his suddenly very alert daughter, he got out of the wagon.

Pi li mihu tu’afuri lisina ru kal·li ku’iludisi cikki ji pa pada, fukaru pa madusi gi’a, kukiʔatuciruqa sikkadisi pa’usa.


pi li mihu tu’afu-ri lisina ru kalu-li ku-’ilu-disi cikki ji pa pada, fuku<-ar-> pa madusi gi’a, ku-kiʔa-tuci-ru-qa sikka-disi pa-’usa.

pst;sta com 3ani;int plain-nmn assume prs;gno abl-com dat-heart-3gen thought_speak prs;neg think and, fut;neg<trm> think this_manner that_is, dat-white-sort_of-ger-gen skin-3ani;gen think-see.

(He) is assuming that she is a plains-person from the fact that (he) doesn’t though-speak her emotional body, and (he) will stop not thinking this way, that is, (he) noticed the sort-of whiteness of her skin.

He had assumed her to be a flatlander since he couldn’t sense her emotions, but realised otherwise when he noticed the paleness of her skin.

Cussigi dusunidisi pada, kadutakkulu gipa qu, xahaqa su’a ’i.


cussi-gi dusuni-disi pada kadu-takkulu gi-pa qu xaha-qa su’a ’i.

Touch-hold hand-3ani;gen and_then, on-chest put-3ina;int and, name-gen self say.

(He) grabs her hand, and then put it on (his) chest, and says his own name.

He reached out for her hand, placed it on his chest, and said his own name.

Kal·ulu dusunidisi cani padissu li xahaqa ’umi ru.


kalu-li jusi janni-ulu dusuni-disi cani pa-dissu li xaha-qa ’umi ru.

abl-com 3ani;dat move-undo hand-3ani;gen prs;dyn think-new com name-3ani;gen something prs;gno.

(He) learned what her name is from un-moving her hand to her.

Moving her hand back to her, he learned her name.







Ku’ita’i ’ussaka mihu qu, jusi kulikka Turassi.


ku-’ita’i ’ussa-ka mihu qu, jusi kuli-kka Turassi.

dat-car follow-abv 3ani;int and, 3ani;dat meet-abv KF:/tr̩ʃ/.

(He) makes her follow to the car, and makes Tŗsh meet her.

Piado led the woman over to the wagon and introduced her to Toresh.

Kutu ’ihusabi li jannijarudisi madi Kurila fuca lanu.


ku-tu ’i-husabi li janni-ja-ru-disi madi Kurila fuca lanu.

dat-daughter speak-finger com move-across-ger-3ani;gen rise MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ allow fut;dyn.

(He) finger-speaks to the daughter that her movement across will allow Qōla to rise.

He motioned to his daughter to move across to allow Corla to ascend.

Kurila ni’u’ilikasi kikacaqaraluminisa pi, maqa raqura tuhhisa gupi fiha.


Kurila ni-’u’ili-kasi kika-caqara-lumi-nisa pi ma-qa raqu-ra tuhhi-sa gupi fiha.

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ in-reality-that over-hours-several-only pst;sta, when-down between-two farm-nmn sit safety.

Since Qōla was in that reality for only several hours, (she) sits in safety between two farm people.

Within only a few hours in this world, Corla had found herself firmly ensconced between the two farmers.

Nimusacari jann·nika.


ni-musa-cari janni-nika.

At-day-rest move-journey.

(They) journey in the remainder of the day.

The rest of the day was spent travelling.

Nagi nidaca narini qu, funi pasatadu’adi hulutuci.


nagi ni-daca nara-ini qu, funi pa-satadu-’adi hulu-tuci.

Fut;sta at-seat sleep-dim and, fut;neg towards-conversation-near listen-half_do.

(She) will be napping in the seat, and won’t be half-listening to nearby conversation.

She dozed in her seat, letting their conversation pass through her.

Salilu ra’usi, mani Pi’adu nin·nar·ru qacca nifidaru tuja.


salilu ra’u-si ma-ni Pi’adu nina-nara-ru qacca nifi-daru tuja.

Night_sky prs;sta-inc, when-at KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ for-sleep-ger choose next_to-road place.

When the night sky is starting to exist, Piadû chooses a place next to the road for sleep.

As night fell, Piado chose a place beside the road to rest.

Si’apaqafa ra’u xiku Turassi ’idu qixa jaffaracani dara’idu gapi.


si’apa-qafa ra’u xiku Turassi ’idu qixa jaffara-cani dara-’idu gapi.

Meal-last prs;sta rel KF:/tr̩ʃ/ make pst;dyn spice-having lentil-made_of soup.

The final meal is a soup with spice made from lentils made by Tŗsh.

Dinner was a spiced lentil stew, prepared by Toresh.

Pi’adu ji nidajju nara hadissuri qu, ra’u niqatidi ’ita’i lagicirri.


Pi’adu ji ni-dajju nara ha-dissu-ri qu, ra’u ni-qa-tidi ’ita’i la-gicirri.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ prs;neg at-tent sleep for-new-nmn and, prs;sta in-down-tarpaulin car do-instead.

Piadû does not sleep in the tent for the new person, and is doing so in the car under the tarpaulin instead.

Piado gave his tent up to the stranger, and slept in the wagon covered with the tarp.

Kunaqi nixima cussidiccixa qu, ’alamusa ’adi kuxaʔa purakka dahikunaqi qu, kucissa ga’ala.


kunaqi ni-xima cussi-dicci-xa qu ’ala-musa ’adi ku-xaʔa pura-kka da-hi-kunaqi qu, ku-cissa ga-’ala.

Soil at-morning touch-cold-dtv and, heat-sun near dat-gas change-abv water-solid-ground and, dat-air put-heat.

The earth feels cold in the morning, and the sunlight changes the ground-ice nearby into vapour and puts heat in the air.

The ground was chill the next morning, but the bright sun soon evaporated the frost and warmed the air.

ʔita’i nibijajubatari kuLusufi’i ninakassuru tisaka janni.


’ita’i ni-bijju-batari ku-Lusubi-’i nina-kassu-ru tisaka janni.

Car at-first-afternoon dat-CZ:/ˈluː.soβ/-called for-buy-ger town move.

The car moves to the town called Lūsob which is for buying, in the first afternoon.

The wagon reached the market town of Lusov early in the afternoon.

Pi’adu haruKurila ’ita’ita gupicadi pi mani, Turassi hisubaqa kassutuja satali cahuri suqanatiha lanu ’usaju’i.


Pi’adu haru-Kurila ’ita’i-ta gupi-cadi pi ma-ni, Turassi hisu-ba-qa kassu-tuja sata-li cahuri suqa-natiha lanu ’usa-ju’i.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ with-MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ wagon-and sit-wall pst;sta when-at, KF:/tr̩ʃ/ administer-nmn-gen buy-place for-com stall ready-box fut;dyn see-join.

Piadû did remain with Qōla and the wagon, while Tŗsh seeks out the administrator for the buying-place in order to book the stall.

Piado stayed with Corla and the wagon as Toresh sought out the market authorities to reserve her place in the bazaar.

Pi’adu, fu taku ha’usu lakupira. Hira.


Pi’adu, fu taku ha-’usu la-kupira. hira.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/, 2tra pst;hab for-1int do-intensely. thanks.

Piadû, you have repeatedly done many things for me.

Piado, I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

Pi’adu ’irippa.


Pi’adu ’i-rippa.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ speak-shock.

Piadû speaks in shock.

Piado let out a startled exclamation.

ʔusu qilu pali filli ’isaqala ji!


’usu qilu pa-li filli ’i-saqala ji!

1int pst;neg think-com 2int speak-word prs;neg!

I didn’t think that you didn’t speak.

I thought you couldn’t speak!

Sama di ’ikka ci’u qilu?


sama di ’i-kka ci’u qilu?

What before speak-abv nothing pst;neg?

Because of what did (you) not say nothing before?

Why didn’t you say something before?

ʔusu satacura’a padissu faʔaba.


’usu sata-cura-’a pa-dissu faʔa-ba.

1int for-time-nmn think-new language-2gen.

I learn your language over time.

It took me some time to learn your language.

ʔusu ji kafilli cikkinadapu’a, ’usu ru paruci cikki.


’usu ji ka-filli cikki-nada-pu’a, ’usu ru pa-ruci cikki.

1int prs;neg equalative-2int hear-emotional_plane-nmn, 1int prs;gno towards-mental_plane hear.

I am not an empath the same as you, I listen towards the mental plane.

I’m not an empath the way your people are, I’m a telepath.

Ka’usu gusu?


ka-’usu gusu?

Equalative-1int person?

Person the same as me?

Our people?

Kalusama filli ru?


kalu-sama filli ru?

Abl-what 2int prs;gno?

From what are you?

Where are you from?

Li ’usu kupiki xikka cihafi nagi qira fa.


li ’usu ku-piki xi-kka cihafi nagi qira fa.

com 1int dat-clarity appear-abv topic fut;sta difficult maybe.

Me making this topic seem clear might be difficult.

This may be a little difficult to explain.

Filli paru’ihajaba ’umi pagi ru?


filli pa-ru’iha-ja-ba ’umi pa-gi ru?

2int about-history-nmn-2gen anything think-hold prs;gno?

Do you know anything about your history

Do you know anything about your history?

Ru’ihajaxidu cipati ru?


ru’iha-ja-xidu cipati ru?

History-nmn-far_away even prs;gno?

(Do you know) even your distant history?

Your ultimate history, perhaps?

Cikkirucipu’a ru?


cikki-ruci-pu’a ru?

Listen-mental_plane-nmn prs;gno?

(It is) a telepath?

A telepath?

ʔusu miru pasama ra’u?


’usu miru pa-sama ra’u?

1int now think-what prs;sta?

I am thinking what now?

What am I thinking right now, then?

Xiku puttu lilluna tajihu kaku’usu hafaxita ’icussa nisa, Kurila ’itamu.


xiku puttu la-’illu-na tajihu ka-ku-’usu hafa-xita ’i-cussa-nisa, Kurila ’i-tamu.

Rel 1abl do-psv-prs;hab ability as-dat-1int race-one speak-subtle_bodies only, MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ speak-answer.

The ability that is done by me only speaks subtly to one of the race like me, Qōla spoke in answer.

My abilities only seem to work properly on my own people, Corla replied.

ʔusu ninali pamana li linataqa kuppakutuja mituja ru qu, padissu faʔaba jati qixa cikki ti’ici qu, mari ru ’aba.


’usu nina-li pa-mana li linata-qa kuppu-aku-tuja mituja ru qu, pa-dissu faʔa-ba jati qixa cikki ti’ici qu, mari ru ’aba.

1int to-com think-ascent com population-gen density-aug-place anywhere prs;gno and, think-new language-2gen apparently pst;dyn telepath extent and, this prs;gno everything.

I hear to a certain extent in order to realise where places of high population density are and apparently learn your language, but this is everything.

I can pick up enough to tell me where population centres are, and apparently to pick up your language, but that is it.

Pi’adu cani kalumatanniruji’a jannitiqaxi liqa.


Pi’adu cani kalu-ma-tanni-ru-ji’a janni-tiqaxi liqa.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ prs;dyn abl-think-believe-ger-not move-tilt head.

Piadû tilts his head because of not believing.

Piado rolled his eyes in disbelief.

Nifiku’ita’i jannigata kanu mani, xukahu.


nifi-ku-’ita’i janni-gata kanu ma-ni, xu-kahu.

Beside-dat-car move-swing legs when-at, broadcast-grunt.

(He) swung his legs to beside the car, when (he) grunts.

He swung his legs out over the side of the cart, grunting as his did so.

Nikunaqi ra’u, maqa cani cussigi dusunidisi qu, cahussurudisi.


ni-kunaqi ra’u, ma-qa cani cussi-gi dusuni-disi qu, ca-hussu-ru-disi.

At-ground prs;sta, when-down prs;dyn touch-hold hand-3ani;gen and, help-drop-ger-3ani;gen.

After (he) is on the ground, (he) holds her hand, and helps her drop.

Once he was on the ground, he grasped Corla’s hand and helped her off.

Cani kura fipacani daruhubaqa Lusufimala bufi’idu hifu ’ussakka mihu.


cani ku-ra fipa-cani daru-huba-qa Lusubi-mala bufi-’idu hifu ’ussa-kka mihu.

Prs;dyn dat-two storey-having street-importance-gen TZ:/ˈluː.soβ/-being_in stone-made building follow-abv 3ani;int.

(He) made her follow (him) to the building made of stone and having two storeys, on the main street of Lūsob.

He led her to a two-storey stone building on the main street of Lusov.

Li kumituja su’a mihuta janni piddi lanu kalu’usadajabillunigiruqa capuhaqa hifu padissu.


li ku-mituja su’a mihu-ta janni piddi lanu kalu-’usa-dajabi-illu-nigi-ru-qa capuha-qa hifu pa-dissu.

Com dat-somewhere self 3ani;int-and move purpose fut;dyn abl-see-reading-psv-quickly-ger-gen directory-gen building think-new.

From a quick reading of the directory of the building, he learned where himself and she will go for a purpose.

A quick scan of the building’s manifest told him where he was going.

Cani xiku du’i’i’uja gupi ra’u qumu nimixi nijifadiqa ja ’usa.


cani xiku du’i-’i’uja gupi ra’u qumu ni-mixi ni-jifadi-qa ja ’usa.

Prs;dyn rel opposite-table sit prs;sta woman in-room at-corridor-gen end see.

In a room at the end of a corridor, (they) see a woman who is sitting on the other side of a table.

In a room at the end of the corridor, they found a woman sitting behind a desk.

Qumu ra’u ju’i xiku nidifigi ga’i ju’i nubitu’afuri na sunufi.


qumu ra’u ju’i xiku ni-difi-gi ga’i ju’i naqi-tu’afu-ri na sunu-fi.

Woman prs;sta link rel at-formality-give time link land-plains-nmn prs;hab cloak-sacred.

The woman is linked to a sacred cloak that the plains people wear at occasions that do formality.

She was wearing the officious robes that the flatlanders wore for formal occasions.

Pi’adu qixa ’iqaca qu, Kurila ’i da’aru funi, madi diha latuhiru ta.


Pi’adu qixa ’i-qaca qu, Kurila ’i da’aru funi, ma-di diha la-tuhi-ru ta.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ pst;dyn speak-point_of_view and, MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ speak experience fut;neg, when-before bureaucrat do-small-prs;gno bell.

Piadû gave his perspective, and before Qōla will speak, the official did a small bell.

Piado explained his side of the story, but before Corla had a chance to speak, the bureaucrat rang a small bell.

Cabadisi ma’ikkalugurrisulukku janni’adi.


caba-disi ma’iki-kalu-gurrisu-lukku janni-’adi.

Helper-3ani;gen across-abl-door-wall move-near.

Her helper moved near from across the wall-door.

Her assistant appeared from a side door.

Ku·li Tapassi narini fana rusara?


ku·li Tapassi nara-ini fana rusara?

Dat-com TZ:/ʈɛ.ˈpet̪θ̪/ sleep-dim whether pst;gno<trm>?

Whether Ṭepet is no longer having a little sleep?

Is Tepeth awoken from her nap yet?





(she) was asked.

she was asked.

Caba xitama pada, kaludihaqa jannihusabiru qu’ukalumixi janni.


caba xi-tama pada, kalu-diha-qa janni-husabi-ru qu’u-kalu-mixi janni.

Helper project-assent and_then, abl-bureaucrat-gen move-finger-ger inside-abl-room move.

The helper showed assent, and then from the bureaucrat’s finger movement, moved from inside the room.

The assistant nodded, and then left the room at a gesture from the official.

HisubaTapassi lanu si’abassa, Pi’adu ’ihucillu.


hisuba-Tapassi lanu si’abassa Pi’adu ’i-hucu-illu.

Administrator-TZ:/ʈɛ.ˈpet̪θ̪/ fut;dyn fix-situation, KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ speak-information-psv.

Administrator Ṭepet will fix this situation, Piadû was info-spoken to.

Her Honour will take care of this, Piado was informed.

Kulina ru?


Kulina ru?

TZ:/kʰɔ.ˈlin.ə/ prs;gno?

(You) are Kolina?

Kolina, is it?

Haru’usu jannilanu.


haru-’usu janni-lanu.

With-1int move-fut;dyn.

Move with me.

Come with me.

Pi’adu ’ussa dumi qu, nuxa li gurrisu du’ijannibiqixa gusura turillu cani.


Pi’adu ’ussa dumi qu, nu-xa li gurrisu du’i-janni-bi-qixa gusu-ra turu-illu cani.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ follow try and, stop-dtv com door opposite-move-out-pst;dyn person-two close-psv prs;dyn.

Piadû tries following and, was stopped by the door is closing opposite the two moving-out people.

Piado attempted to follow, but was prevented from doing so by the closing of the door behind the departing pair.

Ji nixiku haruhafa nimalu ru ga’i paxici li hafamari xifipu fana ru.


ji ni-xiku haru-hafa ni-malu ru ga’i pa-xici li hafa-mari xi-fipu fana ru.

Prs;neg at-rel with-people at-be prs;gno time think-concept com people-this project-rudeness how prs;gno.

At times where (he) is with his people, (he) doesn’t consider how much these people project rudeness.

He forgot each time he was among his own people how rude these were.

Li tana lar·raqi ji pamana qu, kukipu gupira’u tuta jannulu.


li tana la-ru-raqi ji pa-mana qu, ku-kipu gupi-ra’u tu-ta janni-ulu.

Com there_is do-ger-more prs;neg think-realisation and, dat-horse wait-prs;sta offspring-and move-undo.

(He) slowly realises that there are no more things to do, and moves back to the horse and the waiting offspring.

Realising there was nothing further to do, he went back to the draughtsbeast and his waiting daughter.

Kurila jajifadi gajannidillu qu, ji kalu’umi hussudiccaha dumihita.


Kurila ja-jifadi ga-janni-da-illu qu, ji kalu-’umi hussu-diccaha dumi-hita.

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ along-corridor put-move-palm-psv and, prs;neg abl-something fall-trip try-neg.

Qōla was pushed along the passage, and didn’t not try to trip because of something.

Corla was pushed along the passageway, trying not to trip on anything.

Gurrisu qixa ’arisu’a qarrillu qu, ra’u miru qu’utuhiru mixi jamihulu.


gurrisu qixa ’ari-su’a qarri-illu qu, ra’u miru qu’u-tuhi-ru mixi jami-hulu.

Door pst-dyn before-3TOP open-psv and, prs-sta now in-small-prs;gno room evidentially-hear.

It was evident from the sound that a door was opened in front of her, and she is now in a small room.

She heard a door being opened ahead of her and could tell from the echoes around that she was now in a small room.

Diha qixa kudacataca ’ussakka mihu qu, cani gupikka mihu qu, lanu jann·nura.


diha qixa ku-daca-taca ’ussa-kka mihu qu, cani gupi-kka mihu qu, lanu janni-nura.

Bureaucrat pst;dyn dat-seat-long follow-abv 3ani;int and, prs;dyn sit-abv 3ani;int and, fut;dyn move-separate.

The bureaucrat made her follow, makes her sit, and will go away.

The official unceremoniously led her to a bench, sat her down, and then left again.

Kurila cani nimixi nili harusa pi janniditiba qu, hu kalucussiruqa cadi pahini.


Kurila cani ni-mixi ni-li haru-sa pi janni-di-tiba qu, hu kalu-cussi-ru-qa cadi pa-hini.

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ prs;dyn at-room at-com accompany-solitude pst;sta move-up-legs and, fut;hab abl-touch-ger-gen wall think-path.

(She) was in the room experiencing solitude, Qōla does stand up, and will be learning the path by touching the wall.

Alone in the room, Corla got up and felt her way around the wall.

Paxita gurrisura’aba qarri qu, ci’u ji kalu’irudisi ’idata.


pa-xita gurrisu-ra-’aba qarri qu, ci’u ji kalu-’i-ru-disi ’i-data.

Toward-one door-two-all open and, no_one prs;neg abl-speak-ger-3ani;gen say-back.

(She) opened both doors one at a time, and no one isn’t replying because of her speaking.

She opened both doors, one at a time, but no one answered her calls.

Ra’u patisaka ji’i qu, nidu’ara kutaritiqa ’alamusa cussi mani, nifikimadiru madu gupitiba ra’u.


ra’u pa-tisaka ji’i qu, nidu-’ara ku-tariti-qa ’ala-musa cussi ma-ni, nifi-ki-madi-ru madu gupi-tiba ra’u.

Prs;sta towards-city smell and, with-face dat-noon-gen heat-sun feel when-at, beside-big-high-prs;gno window still-leg prs;sta.

(She) is smelling the city, and feeling the sunlight of noon with her face, when she is standing next to the tall window.

Standing at a tall window, she could smell the city and feel the noonday sun upon her face.

Qarri gurrisu matta dumi miru pada, ’umi kalutanajimuli marila xita.


qarri gurrisu matta dumi miru pada, ’umi kalu-tana-jimuli marila xita.

Open door again try now and_then, someone abl-there_is-outside do_this one.

(She) is about to try to open the door again, and then someone did this to one from what is outside.

She was just about to try the doors again when one was opened from the outside.

Caba qixa kalufaʔa ’i ’umi pada, Kurila nagi jusi kalukasiqa Pi’adu ’i li su’a kassi gi’i ji.


caba qixa kalu-faʔa ’i ’umi pada, Kurila nagi jusi kalu-kasi-qa Pi’adu ’i li su’a kassi gi-’i ji.

Helper prs;dyn abl-language-own speak something and_then, MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ fut;sta 3ani;dat abl-that-gen KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ speak com self 3ani;abl get-speak prs;neg.

The helper does from the own language say something, and then Qōla will have spoken to her in that of Piadû that the self does not understand from her.

The assistant’s voice said something in her own language, and Corla told her in Piado’s tongue that she could not understand her.

Ti’a, filli kaluFaxila’inisa ’i jami tappa ru?


ti’a, filli kalu-faxila’i-nisa ’i jami tappa ru?

Oh!, 2int abl-KF:/ˈfɛʒlə/-only speak perceive confirmation prs;gno?

Oh, I want confirmation of my perception that you only speak from Fezhlê?

Oh, so you only speak Fezhlê, do you?

kal·li kukasi puraga cani ’i.


kal·li ku-kasi pura-ga cani ’i.

abl-com dat-that change-put prs;dyn speak.

(she) spoke from changing to that.

she said, switching to that.

ʔusu ’icipu li filli qi’iku pi miru.


’usu ’i-cipu li filli qi-’iku pi miru.

1int speak-question com 2int experience-hunger pst;sta now.

I now ask that you are hungry.

I just asked if you were hungry.

Filli kal·li ’usu majja ra’u qidaccatu’i gi’a, ’usu ’adi ru xiku kalupasani gusuli’adipahi padissu qiriji qixa mihunisa.


filli kalu-li ’usu majja ra’u qi-dacca-tu’i gi’a, ’usu ’adi ru xiku kalu-pa-sani gusu-li-’adi-pahi pa-dissu qiriji qixa mihu-nisa.

2int abl-com 1int here prs;sta experience-luck-positive_aspect that_is, 1int near prs;gno rel abl-towards-north person-not-near-1gen think-new bother pst;dyn 3ani;int-only.

You are experiencing good luck from me being here, that is, I am nearby the only she who bothered to learn from our near people towards the north.

You’re lucky to have me; I’m the only one around here who bothered to learn from our northern neighbours.

Filli qilu kadimukadi xi, ’usu qarihu, kanubidisa.


filli qilu ka-di-muka-di xi, ’usu qarihu, ka-naqi-di-sa.

2int pst;neg as-up-nmn-nmn seem, 1int pardon, as-land-up-nmn.

You did not seem like a thing from the top, I regret, like a person from the uplands.

You don’t look like a Topper, I beg your pardon, like a Toplander.

Filli kuli dasidu kasuja nidiba ra’u ’ixa qilu?


filli ku-li dasi-du kasuja ni-diba ra’u ’i-xa qilu?

2int dat-com eat-nmn there at-counter prs;sta speak-dtv pst;neg?

Were you not told there is food on the bench there?

Were you not told about the food there on the counter?

Kalu’iducidatilluqixa saqalapifa qapi cani dissurippa, Kurila lanu kalu lafuca jannidifirunisa.


kalu-’idu-cidatu-illu-qixa saqala-pifa qapi cani dissu-rippa, Kurila lanu kalu la-fuca janni-difi-ru-nisa.

Abl-make-sudden-psv-pst;dyn word-make chain prs;dyn feel-shock, MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ fut;dyn 3ina;abl do-can move-drop-ger-only.

Did feel the shock from the suddenly created chain made of words, Qōla will only do the nod from it.

Taken aback by the sudden stream of words, Corla could only shake her head.

ʔadimiru gusu!


’adi-miru gusu!

Near-here person!

The nearby people!

People around here!

Ji ma’iludihha qa’i!


ji ma-’ilu-dihha qa’i!

Prs;neg think-heart-other nowhere!

Never not thinking of others’ hearts!

So inconsiderate!

Kamari, mihu parida li ’usacu’iba palinu li dasidu miru ra’u na pu’i.


ka-mari, mihu pa-rida li ’usa-ci’u-ba pa-linu li dasi-du miru ra’u na pu’i.

As-this, 3ani;int think-expectation com see-nothing-nmn think-realise com eat-nmn here prs;sta prs;hab incredulity!

Like this, I can’t believe she always expects people who can’t see to realise that there’s food here.

Like she expects a blind person to just know that there’s food here.

ʔusu sarrupacadu ’imari, ’i qarihu.


’usu sarru-pacadu ’i-mari, ’i qarihu.

1int without-council say-this, speak apologetic.

I speak this instead of the council, I speak apologetically.

On behalf of the Council, I apologise.

ʔusu ’ixahillu Laruni rapi.


’usu ’i-xaha-illu Laruni rapi.

1int speak-name-psv TZ:/ˈɬær.ən/ anyway.

I was named Lharen, but it’s not important.

Anyway, my name is Lharen.

Basi ’ili filli Kulina ru rafa ra’u?


Basi ’i-li filli Kulina ru rafa ra’u?

TZ:/ˈbɛs.ɪ/ say-com 2int TZ:/kʰɔ.ˈlin.ə/ prs;gno hearsay prs;sta?

I heard that Besi said that you are Kolina?

Besi said you were Kolina?

Mukicukka mihu pada, ’ili qi’iku rani ra’u.


mu-kicu-kka mihu pada, ’i-li qi-’iku rani ra’u.

Good-truth-abv 3ani;int and_then, say-com experience-hunger agreement prs;sta.

(She) made her correct, and then agreed that (she) is experiencing hunger.

She corrected her, and then said that she was actually hungry.

Sama ’adi xifipukka ’usu ra’u?


sama ’adi xi-fipu-kka ’usu ra’u?

What near project-rudeness-abv 1int prs;sta?

What makes me be rude nearby?

Where have my manners gone now?

ʔusu kamihu guqqi pada, ’usu papa pa pu’i, fu kalu’irupahi ’usaju’i dasidu.


’usu ka-mihu guqqi pada, ’usu pa-pa pa pu’i, fu kalu-’i-ru-pahi ’usa-ju’i dasi-du.

1int as-3ani;int bad that_is, 1int toward-3ina;int think incredulous, 2tra abl-speak-ger-1gen see-join eat-nmn.

I (am) bad like them, that is, I incredulously think towards it, you find food from my saying.

I’m just as bad as they are, assuming that you’ll just find the food on my say-so.

Kurila ru?


Kurila ru?

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ prs;gno?

It is Qōla?


Pa ximussa.


pa xi-mussa.

3ina;int project-exotic.

It seems exotic.

That’s an unusual name.

Kurila qixa pamihu naxuʔa qu, ra’u kusu’a nidibamarika hagaquhu gi’a, la’apa pi tukihagi natiha batuqa ’alatucipi data.


Kurila qixa pa-mihu na-xuʔa qu, ra’u datu ni-diba-marika ha-ga-quhu gi’a, la’a-pa pi tukiha-gi natiha batu-qa ’ala-tuci-pi da-ta.

Corla pst;dyn toward-3ani;int point-smile and, prs;sta 3top;dat at-counter-this_state for-put-3ani;tra that_is, on-3ina;int pst;sta biscuit-hold box store-gen hot-half_do-pst;sta water-and.

Qōla did point a smile towards her, and the self is put at this kind of counter for her, that is, a box holding bread and a store of somewhat hot water was on it.

Corla smiled in her direction and she came up and took her over to the counter, where indeed sat a box of biscuits and a store of warm water.

Quhu lanu ni’arrida xaci gaxiku su’a ji’i ra’u pa qu, su’a ninali ’iqaca sinna hu mutaddika pa’a.


quhu lanu ni-’arri-da xaci ga-xiku su’a ji’i ra’u pa qu, su’a nina-li ’i-qaca sinna hu mu-taddi-ka pa-’a.

3ani;tra fut;dyn in-with-water cup put-rel self smell prs;sta 3ina;int and, self for-com speak-explain story fut;hab good-order-abv think-nmn.

She will put that which the self can smell in the cup along with water, and the self put her thoughts in order in order to tell her side of (her) story.

Lharen put something she could smell into a cup of the water, and she gathered her thoughts to explain her story.

Kujannuluruqa sassu’a gupi na, mani Turassi ra’u kutujanaracam·mari gasu’a, nidaruqa narra tuhiru tujaramirra.


ku-janni-ulu-ru-qa sassu’a gupi na, ma-ni Turassi ra’u ku-tuja-nara-cama-mari ga-su’a, ni-daru-qa narra tuhi-ru tuja-ramirra.

Dat-move-undo-ger-gen father_3top;gen sit prs;hab, where-at KF:/tr̩ʃ/ prs;sta dat-place-sleep-usual-this put-self, at-road-gen corner small-prs;gno place-guest.

When continually waiting for the father’s moving back, Tŗsh put herself at this usual sleeping place, a small guest-house on the corner.

While waiting for her father to return, Toresh sought out their usual sleeping place — a small hotel on the corner.

Pi’adu qu’ukumixi janni ma’adi, Turassi gataddi su’a miri pi.


Pi’adu qu’u-ku-mixi janni ma-’adi, Turassi ga-taddi su’a miri pi.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ inside-dat-room move where-near, KF:/tr̩ʃ/ put-order 3top;gen stuff pst;sta.

Piadû moved to inside the room, just as Tŗsh put their stuff in order.

Piado entered the room just as she had finished putting their gear away.

Mica, tupahi.


mica, tu-pahi.

Hello, child-1gen.

Hi, my kid!

Hey, kiddo.

Filli qi’iku ra’u?


filli qi-’iku ra’u?

2int experience-hunger prs;sta?

Are you experiencing hunger?

Are you hungry?

Ra’u tucinaci, sabba, Turassi ’itamu.


ra’u tucinaci, sabba, Turassi ’i-tamu.

Prs;sta somewhat, father, KF:/tr̩ʃ/ speak-answer.

Yes, somewhat, father, Tŗsh spoke in answer.

A little, father, Toresh replied.

Kurila mudibada pi?


Kurila mu-dibada pi?

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ good-life pst;sta?

Was Qōla’s life going ok?

Is Corla alright?

Ra’u nufira qu, dihhami lanu si’abassaca’alla mihu qaffi.


ra’u nufira qu, dihha-mi lanu si’a-bassa-ca’alla mihu qaffi.

Prs;sta hope and, other_people-some fut;dyn fix-situation-must 3ani;int perception.

I hope (it) is, and I assume that some other people will have to fix her.

I hope so, but it seems that she’s their problem now.

Pi’aduqa kahi cani dipa’akaqa tu qu, du’ikugurissu jannikiluqukka quhu.


Pi’adu-qa kahi cani di-pa’aka-qa tu qu, du’i-ku-gurrisu janni-kiluqu-kka quhu.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/-gen arm prs;dyn atop-child-3ani;gen-gen shoulder and, opposite-dat-door move-walk-abv 3ani;tra.

Piadû’s arm is now above his child’s shoulder, and (he) walk-moves her to opposite the door.

Piado put his arm around his daughter’s shoulder and walked her out the door.

Ra’u nitujadasiqa tujaramirra hiqadasidu kassinixi ’umi.


ra’u ni-tuja-dasi-qa tuja-ramirra hiqa-dasi-du kassi-ini-xi ’umi.

Prs;sta at-place-eat-gen place-guest demand-eat-nmn trade-dim-project something.

(They) are meal-ordering something with little to trade for.

In the hotel restaurant, they ordered something cheap to eat.

Paxatu li datu laqquraqi musara lanu rika, dasi ta’itu’iraqixu ’umi dasippatapa fuca hu.


pa-xatu li datu laqqu-raqi musa-ra lanu rika, dasi ta’i-tu’i-raqi-xu ’umi dasi-ppa-tapa fuca hu.

Think-predict com 3top;dat money-more day-two fut;dyn and_so, eat taste-positive_aspect-more-project something eat-time-next able fut;hab.

(They) predict that tomorrow there will be more money for them, and so the next mealtime (they) will be able to eat something that has more good aroma.

They knew that tomorrow should bring them more money, and that the next time they dined, they would be able to have something tastier.

Kuxima ra’u ’ala sa’akuta musara.


ku-xima ra’u ’ala sa’i-aku-ta musa-ra.

Dat-morning pst;sta heat light-aug-and day-two.

To the morning was heat and a bright light tomorrow.

The next day dawned bright and hot.

Lusubi’i kiru tisaka, japa’ala qixa capa gaqqu.


Lusubi-’i ki-ru tisaka, japa-’ala qixa ca-pa gaqqu.

TZ:/ˈluː.soβ/-speak big-prs;gno town, mist-heat pst;dyn around-3ina;int not_surprising.

The big town called Lūsob, there was unsurprisingly heat-mist encircling it.

The haze came up as usual around the large town of Lusov.

Pi’adu Turassita ra’u kalumixi kucahuriqapi ’arrikassudu jannigi.


Pi’adu Turassi-ta ra’u kalu-mixi ku-cahuri-qapi ’arri-kassu-du janni-nigi.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ KF:/tr̩ʃ/-and prs;sta abl-room dat-stall-chain with-trade-nmn move-hurry.

Piadû and Tŗsh are hurrying from the room to the chain of stalls with things to trade.

Piado and Toresh hurried out of their hotel room and into the market, carrying their wares.

Pi’adu capisuqapi ’i’uja gupitiba mani, Turassi lanu ninamariqa ladumiru la piba xi’asilanagi xuʔa, qapuraxu tisakarra lanu nidu ’assa dumi.


Pi’adu capi-suqa-pi ’i’uja gupi-tiba ma-ni, Turassi lanu nina-mari-qa la-dumi-ru la piba xi-’asila-nagi xuʔa, qapura-xu tisaka-rra lanu nidu ’assa dumi.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ behind-prepare-pst;sta table stay-leg when-at, KF:/tr̩ʃ/ fut;dyn for-this-gen do-try-ger do most project-friendship-fut;sta smile, business-project town-nmn fut;dyn use goods try.

Piado stood behind the prepared table, while Tŗsh will put do the most friendly seeming smile for this: busy-seeming townspeople will try to use the groceries.

Piado stood behind their set-up table, while Toresh put on her most winning smile, trying to get the busy townspeople to try their produce.

Kassuru na kikaxima.


kassu-ru na kika-xima.

Trade-ger prs;hab over-morning.

Trading is during the morning.

The trading progressed throughout the morning.

Lusubi lanu ’ala piba cussi taritinaci rika, tisakarra narabatari la karu.


Lusubi lanu ’ala piba cussi tariti-naci rika, tisaka-rra nara-batari la karu.

TZ:/ˈluː.soβ/ fut;dyn heat most feel midday-somewhat and_so, town-nmn sleep-afternoon do usually.

Lūsob will be hot at midday-ish, and so the townspeople usually do an afternoon sleep.

Lusov usually became too hot around noon, so the town usually went to siesta.

Musa ganibasillu, ma’adi xiku nisabi huKurila laniga na Laruni janni’adi.


musa ga-ni-basa-illu, ma-’adi xiku ni-sabi hu-Kurila la-niga na Laruni janni-’adi.

Sun put-begin-cover-psv, where-near rel at-side for-MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ do-guide prs;hab TZ:/ˈɬær.ən/ move-near.

The sun was beginning to be covered, when near moved the Lharen who was doing guiding for the Qōla at (his) side.

The sun was just beginning to set when Lharen came by, guiding Corla by her side.

Caba funi nina’umiqa kassuruji’a majja raqa.


caba funi nina-’umi-qa kassu-ru-ji’a majja raqa.

Helper fut;neg for-something-gen trade-ger-not here obviously.

The helper will obviously not be here for the not buying of something.

The assistant was clearly not here to buy anything.

Fillira kalusama majja ra’u?


filli-ra kalu-sama majja ra’u?

2int-two abl-what here prs;sta?

You two are here from what?

What are you two doing here?

Pi’adu ’icipu mari dissutihura.


Pi’adu ’i-cipu mari dissu-tihura.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ speak-ask this feel-astonishment.

Piadû spoke this feeling astonished.

Piado asked, astonished.

Kasi ra’u kalupa’abatudisi, gusu, Laruni ’itamu.


kasi ra’u kalu-pa-’a-batu-disi, gusu, Laruni ’i-tamu.

That prs;sta abl-think-nmn-group-3ani;gen, person, TZ:/ˈɬær.ən/ speak-reply.

That was her group of thoughts, person, Lharen said in reply.

It’s her idea, sir, Lharen answered.

Ra’u pali fu kulillu ritada rusa tucinaci pu’i.


ra’u pa-li fu kuli-illu ritada rusa tucinaci pu’i.

Prs;sta think-com 2tra meet-psv fate pst;gno somewhat incredulous.

She somewhat thinks that she was fated until now to meet you, and I find it hard to believe.

She’s got this idea that meeting you was fated or something.

Kasi ji pa’illu, Kurila mukicukka.


kasi ji pa-’illu, Kurila mu-kicu-kka.

That prs;neg think-psv, MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ good-truth-abv.

That is not thought, Qōla made (her) correct.

It’s not fate, Corla corrected her.

ʔusu pakicu li xiku puttu niXaladi majja la’illu rixi hu pa harufilli nagi tucinaci.


’usu pa-kicu li xiku puttu ni-Xaladi majja la-’illu rixi hu pa haru-filli nagi tucinaci.

1int think-true com rel 1abl at-TZ:/ʒa.ˈlat/ here do-psv must fut;hab 3ina;int with-2int fut;sta somewhat.

I somewhat believe that what must be done by me in Zhalad here will be with you.

I just know that what I need to do here, on Zhalad, is something to do with you.





Check is true?


Suma puttu kutujatihu ga’illu dumi.


suma puttu ku-tuja-tihu ga-’illu dumi.

1tra 1abl dat-place-abide put-psv try.

I (am) trying to be put at (my) abode by me.

I’m trying to get home.

Xiku ’usu nimajja pi tujali’aba, ’usu nagari nipa lahifami rixi bixaca.


xiku ’usu ni-majja pi tuja-li-’aba, ’usu nagari ni-pa la-hifa-mi rixi bixaca.

Rel 1int at-here pst;sta place-other-every, 1int fut;sta-trm at-3ina;int do-task-some must experience.

Every other place where I am here, I will probably have completed some task at it.

Every other place I’ve been, it seems that I need to complete some task.

ʔusu li filli ju’ibassa ra’u piba ma’ilu.


’usu li filli ju’i-bassa ra’u piba ma-’ilu.

1int com 2int link-situation prs;sta most think-heart.

I feel the most that you are linked to that situation.

I have the strongest feeling that you’re involved.

Sumapa ninakasi sulla nufira?


suma-pa nina-kasi sulla nufira?

1int-3rd for-that do_what want?

(You) want me and her to do what for that?

What do you want us to do about it?

Pi’adu ji xihataji’a.


Pi’adu ji xi-hata-ji’a.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ prs;neg project-concern-not.

Piadû doesn’t seem concerned.

Piado seemed uninterested.

Nuli ’usu harufilli janni ruku funi.


nu-li ’usu haru-filli janni ruku funi.

Stop-com 1int with-2int move fut;gno fut;neg.

Don’t stop me moving with you from now.

Take me with you.

ʔusu ji kulahiputiru dissutti.


’usu ji ku-la-hiputi-ru dissu-sutti.

1int prs;neg dat-do-work-ger feel-fear.

I do not feel fear at doing a job.

I am not afraid of work.

Filli ji ’usa tupi.


filli ji ’usa tupi.

2int prs;neg see respectfully.

With respect, you can’t see.

With all due respect, you’re blind.

Filli kalusullaru lanu hu’usupa mudallijillu lanu?


filli kalu-sulla-ru lanu hu-’usu-pa mu-dalliji-illu lanu?

2int abl-do_what-ger fut;dyn for-1int-3ina;int good-use-psv fut;dyn?

From the doing of what will you become useful for us?

What use could you be to us?

ʔusu pi kal·li kumajja gifilli qixa lapaddi.


’usu pi kalu-li ku-majja gi-filli qixa la-paddi.

1int pst;sta abl-com dat-here put-2int pst;dyn do-charity.

I have done charity by putting you here.

I did my charity by bringing you here.

ʔadi rusara.


’adi rusara.

Near pst;gno<trm>.

I completed (this) nearby.

Now, I’m done.

Turassi dasad·disiqa kiru cikki.


Turassi dasa-da-disi-qa ki-ru cikki.

KF:/tr̩ʃ/ zeal-negative_aspect-3ani;gen-gen big-ger feel.

Tŗsh feels the growth of his anger.

Toresh could feel his temper growing.

Jannicijukka fippaqa disi hi.


janni-ciju-kka fippa-qa disi hi.

Move-tug-abl sleeve-gen 3ani;gen shirt.

(She) tugs the sleeve of his shirt.

She tugged at his sleeve.

Hira, sabba, fu dissu’anukka nagi.


hira, sabba, fu dissu-’anu-kka nagi.

Please, father, 2tra feel-balance-abv fut;sta.

Please, father, make yourself feel balanced.

Please, father, calm yourself.

ʔusu pafaru li ’usufu papifa ’amilarudisi fuca ra’u.


’usu pa-faru li ’usu-fu pa-pifa ’amila-ru-disi fuca ra’u.

1int think-sure com 1int-2nd think-make do_something-ger-3ani;gen can prs;sta.

I am certain that you and I can make up her doing of something.

I’m sure we can find something for her to do.

Kassumiqa ’i’illu ji qira.


kassu-mi-qa ’i-’illu ji qira.

Buy-nmn-gen speak-psv prs;neg difficult.

Speaking to traders is not difficult.

It’s not that difficult to talk to customers.

Kurila lanu ’ini.


Kurila lanu ’i-ni.

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ fut;dyn speak-begin.

Qōla will begin to speak.

Corla spoke up.

ʔusu taku kukassumi kalisa da’aru ’ili.


’usu taku ku-kassu-mi kalisa da’aru ’ili.

1int pst;hab dat-trade-nmn do_that experience actually.

I have actually experienced doing that to traders.

I do actually have customer experience.

ʔusu kalumari sufilli mu tasi, filli ji cikkinada nubitu’afuri.


’usu kalu-mari su-filli mu tasi, filli ji cikki-nada naqi-tu’afu-ri.

1int abl-this over-2int good may, 2int prs;neg sense-emotional_plane land-plain-nmn.

I may be better than you from this, you do not emotionally sense plains-people.

I may even have a slight advantage; you can’t sense flatlander emotions.

ʔusu ra’u hiru.


’usu ra’u hiru.

1int prs;sta though.

I do though.

I can.

Ta, kalutajihupahi cikkituci lisina.


ta, kalu-tajihu-pahi cikki-tuci lisina.

Well, abl-ability-1gen sense-half_do expected.

Well, I assume I’ll half-sense from my ability.

Well, at least, my abilities should be able to pick up something.

Pi’adu ’ifuhhanaku xani.


Pi’adu ’i-fuhha-naku xani.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ speak-decision-together unwillingly.

Piadû unwillingly agreed.

Piado capitulated.

Ruku mu.


ruku mu.

Fut;gno good.

It will be good.


Ba’u dalliji hu, surra filli haru’usupa tihu mica.


ba’u dalliji hu, surra filli haru-’usu-pa tihu mica.

2dat usefulness fut;hab, when 2int with-1int-3rd abide allowed.

When you have a use, you may abide with me and her.

Make yourself useful and you can stay with us.

Tisakaqa pacadu paqacca li filli ’amila nagi maqa, kutujatihu ga ’usufupa.


tisaka-qa pacadu pa-qacca li filli ’amila nagi ma-qa, ku-tuja-tihu ga ’usu-fu-pa.

Town-gen council think-decision com 2int do_something fut;sta when-after, dat-place-abide put 1int-2nd-3rd.

The council of the town thinks about deciding what you will do, when we all get home.

The village council can decide what to do with you when we get home.

Laruni capi’·’uja ganiga Kurila pada, xidu janni.


Laruni capi-’i’uja ga-niga Kurila pada, xidu janni.

TZ:/ˈɬær.ən/ behind-table put-guide MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ and_then, far move.

Lharen put Corla behind the market table by guiding, and then moved far away.

Lharen guided Corla behind the market table, and then took her leave.

Cahuriqapi rukaru raqa rika, Turassi sabbata kutujaramirra jannulukka Kurila su’arata cani.


cahuri-qapi ruku<-ar-> raqa rika, Turassi sabba-ta ku-tuja-rami-rra janni-ulu-kka Kurila su’a-ra-ta cani.

Stall-chain fut;sta<trm> clear and_thus, KF:/tr̩ʃ/ father-and dat-place-bed-nmn move-undo-abl MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ self-two-and prs;dyn.

The chain of stalls will clearly be ending, and so Tŗsh and the father put themselves and Qōla to the place of guests.

The market was clearly closing, so Toresh and her father went back to the hotel, taking Corla with them.

Kurila kaluLaruni satadiru gikassu si’apa qu, nagi nitujaram·marika, kalumixi saki dihhalumi.


Kurila kalu-Laruni sata-diru gi-kassu si’apa qu, nagi ni-tuja-rami-marika, kalu-mixi saki dihha-lumi.

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ abl-TZ:/ˈɬær.ən/ for-money get-trade meal-self and, fut;sta in-place-bed-this_state, abl-room share other_people-several.

Qōla got her own meal through trade using money from Lharen, and will be in this kind of bed-place, (she) shares from the room to several others.

Corla used some money she had gained from Lharen to pay for her own dinner, and found herself in the bunkhouse, where she had to share lodgings with a few other people.

Turassi pi ’adikumihu janni musara xima qu, cani nisi’apa gaquhu, lanu bipa niLusubi kucahuriqa bijaju musa.


Turassi pi ’adi-ku-mihu janni musa-ra xima qu, cani ni-si’apa ga-quhu, lanu bi-pa ni-Lusubi ku-cahuri-qa bijju musa.

KF:/tr̩ʃ/ pst;sta near-dat-3ani;int move day-two morning and, prs;dyn at-meal put-3ani;tra, fut;dyn from-3ina;int in-TZ:/ˈluː.soβ/ dat-stall-gen first day.

Tŗsh moved to near her tomorrow, and put her at the meal, (she) will be from it to the first day of the stalls in Lūsob.

Toresh came around the next morning to take her to breakfast, and thence to her first day in the Lusov markets.

Kurila pi cikkixi ’adisu’a kuruci qaxatu’i fati, mari parasi, kassumisama nagi lamadusi nuki lakadusi, kukuffaruqa dir·raqi mafatti’ika qu, qacca mahakassuru.


Kurila pi cikki-xi ’adi-su’a ku-ruci qaxa-tu’i fati, mari pa-rasi, kassu-mi-diku nagi la-madusi nuki la-kadusi, ku-kuffa-ru-qa diru-raqi ma-fatti-ka qu, qacca maha-kassu-ru.

MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ pst;sta hear-project near-3top dat-mental_plane hope-positive enough_to, this think-future, trade-nmn-what fut;sta do-this_manner or do-that_manner, dat-give-ger-gen money-more think-good_idea-abv and, choose swap-trade-ger.

Qōla hoped she was listening to projections in the mental plane near herself enough to predict this: which traders will be doing this or doing that: being persuaded to think the giving of more money is a good idea, and which choose to swap.

As she had hoped, Corla got enough impressions from the swirling thoughts around her to be able to predict which customers could be persuaded to part with more currency, and which would be happier to barter.

Pi’adu dissutarratu’i macu qu, tuca ra’u cikki, hari ji papa xu.


Pi’adu dissu-tarra-tu’i macu qu, tu-ca ra’u cikki, hari ji pa-pa xu.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ feel-impression-positive unexpected and, offspring-only prs;sta hear, voice prs;neg about-3ina;int project.

Piadû unexpectedly had a good impression, and only (his) offspring could sense it, (his) voice is not projecting about this.

Even Piado was impressed, although only his daughter could tell; he did not let it show in his voice.

Quhu kudiru ’assija purakassu’ika batu na, daru’i na kikamusa tuhipacca naru.


quhu ku-diru ’assa-sija pura-kassu-ka batu na, daru’i na kika-musa tuhi-pacca naru.

3ani;tra dat-money goods-or change-trade-abv store prs;hab, because 3prs;hab over-day small-number slow.

Because someone changed their stores into money or goods by trading them, their stores slowly became small in number during the day.

Slowly through the day, their stores diminished as they were bought or traded for.

ʔumi ruku lakassu kikamusalumi qu, Pi’adu paqacca li pura tanali musara lanu.


’umi ruku la-kassu kika-musa-lumi qu, Pi’adu pa-qacca li pura tana-li musa-ra lanu.

Something fut;gno do-trade over-day-several and, KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ think-decision com become exist-not day-two fut;dyn.

Someone will be doing trade over several days, and Piadû decides that it will become something that does not exist tomorrow.

The market went on for a couple of days yet, but Piado figured that tomorrow would see them finished.

Kalumari dissu’ahatikkilu, ra’u kalunubitu’afuri qidixxinaci qu, kassi na qinaranada da’aru.


kalu-mari dissu-’ahati-kka-ilu, ra’u kalu-naqi-tu’afu-ri qi-dixxi-naci qu, kassi na qi-nara-nada da’aru.

Abl-this feel-happiness-abv-psv; prs;sta abl-land-plain-nmn experience-toleration-somewhat and, 3ani;abl prs;hab experience-sleep-emotional_plane happened.

(He) feels happiness from this, (he) experiences some toleration for the people of the plains, and experiences of emotional tiredness happen.

He was glad; he didn’t mind the flatlanders on occasion, but it was very easy to become tired of them.

Kalucagaqa ’ikka pahapakuda ca’alla ga’·’aba.


kalu-caga-qa ’i-kka pa-hapi-aku-da ca’alla ga’i-’aba.

Abl-mouth-gen speak-abv think-concentration-aug-negative need occasion-everything.

Because of speaking from the mouth, on every occasion (he) must concentrate a lot.

He always needed to concentrate more, trying to communicate in words.

Pali Kurila la ’inagidisi pa na li mari rikka kasi ra’uta rippa.


pa-li Kurila la ’i-nagi-disi pa na li mari ri-kka kasi ra’u-ta rippa.

Think-com MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ do speak-promise-3ani;gen 3ina;int prs;hab com this easy-abl that prs;sta-and surprise.

(He) thought in surprise that Qōla is doing the thing she promised and that this makes that easy.

Still, he reflected, Corla seems to be doing what she promised. That does make it slightly easier.

Pi’adu qixa nara maqa, Turassi capi jari haruKurila hacci dumi haru, nirafiki dasini cijja ra’u.


Pi’adu qixa nara ma-qa, Turassi capi jari haru-Kurila hacci dumi haru, ni-rafiki dasi-ini cijja ra’u.

KF:/pʰɪ.ˈa.dɯ/ pst;dyn sleep when-down, KF:/tr̩ʃ/ behind prs;neg<trm> with-MT:/ˈǂʰɔːlə/ wake night with, at-bar consume-dim alcohol prs;sta.

After Piadû went to sleep, later Tŗsh was not stopping being awake with Corla, while having small drinks of alcohol.

Later that evening, when Piado had gone to bed, the two women remained awake, sipping their drinks in the bar.

Pa’usa li Laruni nigurrisulukku gupitiba nagi rika, kalu’ihusubi janni mihu.


pa-’usa li Laruni ni-gurrisu-lukku gupi-tiba nagi rika, kalu-’i-husabi janni mihu.

Think-look com CZ:/ˈɬær.ən/ at-door-wall stay-legs fut;sta and_thus, abl-speak-finger move 3ani;int.

(She) thought by seeing that Lharen will be standing at the wall-door, and so (she) moved her with finger-speech.

Toresh noticed Lharen standing in the doorway, and motioned her over.