
These tend to move words from one part of speech to another.


These derive a noun from another part of speech, most often a verb.

The suffix -qa  derives generic nouns from numerals or alienable genitive pronouns.

disiqa でせげ hers

nuruqa ぬるげ the four of them

The suffix -muka むか is used with prepositional phrases.

disinnamuka でせっなむか prologue

Other suffixes in this group are divided into animacy classes.


The productive general suffix -’a  derives abstract nouns.

cura’a ゆらあ time

qacca’a げっやあ choice

pa’a ぱあ thought

The suffix -ru  forms gerunds.

dasiru だせる eating

janniru ぢっにる moving

hubaru ほばる breathing

The suffix -ci is applied to adjectival verbs. This includes chromatic verbs, whence come the name for colours.

namaci なまち weakness

kiʔaci きっあち white

Application of -ppa っぱ derives terms for times and occasions.

dasippa だせっぱ mealtime

sikuppa せくっぱ funeral

The suffix -ahi is used with adverbs.

nufirahi ぬべらひ expectation


The agentive suffix -ki  is applied to verbs.

malaki まわき mirror

lu’iki をいき soul

bumaki ぶまき screen

The patientive suffix -du  is applied to stem verbs.

dasidu だせど food

maladu まわど reflection

kassudu かっすど trade goods

The instrumental suffix -ffi っべ is applied to a verb.

dasiffi だせっべ cutlery, tools for eating

sikuffi せくっべ spear, tool for killing

The suffix -kku っく derives names for parts of the body from verbs or nouns.

dasikku だせっく digestive system

’itikku いてっく breast

mulukku むをっく heart

When applied to a number, -ssiji っせじ gives rise to the names of shapes.

kifissiji きべっせじ triangle

nurussiji ぬるっせじ quadrilateral


There are three suffixes for deriving animate nouns from verbs. The suffix -la’i is used with intransitive verbs, while -ba and -pu’a derive generic agents and patients respectively.

narala’i ならわい sleeper

’ussaba うっさば follower

caba やば helper

hisuba ひすば administrator

ju’ipu’a よいぷあ group

lu’ipu’a をいぷあ lover

cikkipu’a ちっきぷあ telepath


When applied to an abstract noun, -tu forms determiners.

-fi’atu べあと particular

sabutu さぶと different

-mimutu みむと some


The suffix -a 、あ forms interjections from some nouns and verbs.

mica みや hello

hacca はっや good morning

nara なら good night

hira ひた please

kica きや pardon?