Relative Clauses

Relative clauses specify the noun by describing it. They begin with the relativiser xiku しく and are placed before the modified noun, The auxiliary is not optional, and is given a rising tone. Only subjects can be relativised. Other cases must be promoted to subject.

Xiku lu’i kimilli pi lulani


xiku lu’i kimilli pi lulani

rel love king pst;sta queen

“The queen who loved the king”

Xiku kalukimilli lu’illu pi lulani


xiku kalu-kimilli lu’i-illu pi lulani

rel abl-king love-psv pst;sta queen

“The queen whom the king loved”

Any noun can be modified by relative clauses, including pronouns and proper nouns.

Xiku lu’i kimilli pi mihu


xiku lu’i kimilli pi mihu

rel love king pst;sta 3ani;int

“The one who loved the king”

Xiku lu’i kimilli pi Sa’imi


xiku lu’i kimilli pi Sa’imi

rel love king pst;sta Caemi

“Caemi, who loved the king”


If the only argument of the relative verb is the modified noun, the auxiliary is appended to the verb, and the relativiser is dropped. This auxiliary is given a mid-tone.

dissu’ahatira’u mulisa.


feel_happy-prs;sta fool

dissu’ahatira’u mulisa

“the happy fool”

’ibibuna suma


complain-prs;hab 1tra

’ibibuna suma

“the occasionally complaining me”

ka’ucani Ra’ani


jump-prs;dyn Ryan

ka’ucani Ra’ani

“the jumping Ryan”

Similar are intransitives utilising the case markers and other adpositions.

kalukimilli nuhu.


kalu-kimilli nuhu

abl-king folding_paper

“the letter from the king”

kul·lani nukki.


ku-lulani nukki

abl-queen strawberry

”the strawberry for the queen“

di’i’uja pa


di’i’uja pa

up-table 3ina;int

“the thing atop the table”


If the only arguments of the relative verb are the modified noun and a direct object, the verb is appended to the object, with or without the auxiliary, and the relativiser is dropped.

xucipura cula


xuci-pura cula

feather-change egg

“hatching egg”

hafidasira’u kipu


hafi-dasi-ra’u kipu

grass-eat-prs;sta ox

“the grass-eating cow.”