A closed subset of nouns can have an adverbial function. These adverbs can be used either as a verbal suffix or independently to describe the entire utterance. See Also: Adverbial Clauses
piddi ぴっで on purpose
qiriji ねりじ with effort
bata ばた carefully
hibu ひぶ allow oneself to
dumi どみ try to
danna だっな successfully
xaka ざか fail to
ca’alla やあっわ must
fuca ふや can
ritada りただ by fate
macu まゆ unexpectedly
xani ざに unwillingly
dukku どっく not by choice
dapi だぴ more than is necessary
famu へむ completely
rali らえ intensely
kupira くぴら in many different ways
ti’ici ていち to a certain extent
cipati ちぱて to that extent
tuci とち barely
xibbuti しっぶて never again
xuga ずが instantly
cidatu ちだと suddenly
karu かる commonly
gaqqu がっも usually
naru なる slowly
nigi にぎ quickly
dura どら repeatedly
These adverbs cannot be used as verbal suffixes, and can only describe an entire sentence.
These tell how likely an event is to have occurred, or to occur in the future.
’ili いえ actually
da’aru だある experience
fa へ maybe
tasi たせ probably
qaxa げざ predicted to
mica みや permitted to
nufira ぬべら want to
rixi りし would be better to
These give the means by which the speaker gained information with regards to their utterance.
raqa らげ obviously
da だ clearly
jami ぢみ evidentially
qaffi げっべ seemingly
jati ぢて apparently
xakila ざきわ thought to be
lisina えせな by assumption
rafa らへ by hearsay
These convey the feelings of the speaker towards the utterance or the listener.
pu’i ぷい incredulity (“I can’t believe it!”)
rapi らぴ disregard (“I don’t care!”)
tappa たっぱ seeking confirmation (“Isn’t it?”)
rani らに giving confirmation (“I agree.”)
qarihu げりほ regret (“I’m sorry.”)
tupi とぴ respect (“With all due respect…”)
miru みる now
musa むさ today
laru わる this year
xima しま in the morning
tariti たりて at noon
batari ばたり in the afternoon
dumi どみ at night
hami はみ at midnight
Numbers can be suffixed to denote other times.
“two years ago”