Adpositions are a closed class. They can be used in three different ways.
As a Preposition
The most basic use for an adposition is prefixed to a noun to signify where the action is taking place with relation to a reference. These act as prefixes.
“atop the table”
“with the queen”
“in an egg”
Their nature as a prefix continues to apply even when the noun is already case-marked
As a Nominal or Verbal Modifier
Adpositions can be used to form compound nouns:
and compound verbs:
As an Adverb
Adpositions can be used independently to show the position of the action relative to the speaker, or the direction in which the action proceeds. Unlike other adverbs, these are placed before or instead of the auxiliary.
“The twins are eating inside.”
“It’s raining.”
The auxiliary must appear to support an adverbial adposition in copular clauses.
“The bear is to the north.”
Kuhisuba ’adi na cijja.
ku⁠-hisuba ’adi na cijja.
dat-administrator near prs;hab alcohol.
“The minister is usually having a drink around now.”
This list includes both relative and absolute terms.
These can be used to refer to locations in either space or time.
qa げ down / downstream
Spatial Locations
These can only be used to refer to locations in space.
jimuli じむえ outside
qu’u もう in; inside
nifi にべ beside
raqu らも among
ca や encircling
du’i どい beyond
la’a わあ on a horizontal surface
kadu かど on a vertical surface
These refer to motion.
This group have animate objects.
This group have inanimate objects.