Sample Text
This is from an early draft of Firesight, the second chapter of The Crackled Egg, from The Coelacanth Quartet.
When Tussol, head of the Department of Intercultural Relations at Lusov University, reached his office that morning, he found Lharen already waiting outside.
Tussuli’i hisubaqa Lusubimalu Tisiqq·qa Manikisabutu ’ariLaruni ku’ajjatuja malu.
Tussuli-’i hisuba⁠-qa Lusubi-malu tisiqqi⁠-qa maniki⁠-sabutu ’ari-Laruni ku-⁠’ajjatuja malu.
Tosöliyi hisubaq Losübimalu Cixiq·qa Menikizbotu eriIlröni kwaxtoj malu.
He bade her wait for a few moments longer while he set himself up inside.
Jusi ’i li mihu ~~~ luxxa