
Consonants are differentiated by manner and place of articulation, and by word-internal gemination. Plosives also have contrasting voice.

stopp bt dc ɟ <j>k gʔ <’>
nasalmnŋ <q>
tapɽ <r>
fricativefsɕ <x>h
stopnasallateral / tapfricative
labialp bmf
alveolar / retroflext dnl ɽ <r>s
palatalc ɟ <j>ɕ <x>
velark gŋ <q>
glottalʔ <’>h

This table shows the consonants phonemically, using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Where it differs from IPA, the transliteration is given in <triangular brackets>.

Capital or geminate glottal stops are transliterated with <ʔ>. Examples:

ba’u — usual word-internal glottal stop

nasiʔu — geminate word-internal glottal stop

’usu — usual glottal stop within sentence

ʔusu — capitalised glottal stop at beginning of sentence

ʔallisi — capitalised glottal stop for proper noun (Alice)


Stops are differentiated by voicing, although voiced consonants tend to be rarer than their voiceless counterparts.

The voiced stops are fully voiced word-internally and partially voiced word-initially. Voiced geminate stops are given breathy voice. Voiceless stops are lightly aspirated, which is suppressed in voiceless geminate stops.

Geminate stops are held for approximately twice as long as non-geminate stops.


The plosives /p/ and /b/ are bilabial.

pu’iba /ʉˈʔibə/ ぷいば ball

qapi /ˈŋaɨ/ げぴ rope

kuppu /ˈkʰuʉ/ くっぷ be strong

bufi bufɨ/ ぶべ pebble

huba /ˈhubə/ ほば to live

kibba /ˈkʰibʱːə/ きっば stick


The plosives /t/ and /d/ are apical.

turassi /ʉˈɽasːɨ/ とらっせ redhead

-fi’atu /fɨʔaʉ/ べあと certain

matta /ˈmaə/まった again

daru daɽʉ/ だる road

xidu /ˈɕidʉ/ しど far away

kuddu /ˈkudʱːʉ/ くっど rain


The plosives /c/ and /ɟ/ are laminal. In fast speech, they can approach the affricates /tʃ/ and /dʒ/.

cissa isːə/ ちっさ air

xuci /ˈɕuɨ/ ずち feather

nacca /ˈnaə/ なっや clothing

jagaru /ɟəˈgaɽʉ/ ぢがる sand

sajimu /səˈɟimʉ/ さじむ crack

majja /ˈmaɟʱːə/ まっぢ here


The velar plosives are /k/ and /g/.

ka’u aʔʉ/ かう jump

’isaki /ʔɨsaɨ/ いさき company

nukki /ˈnuɨ/ ぬっき strawberry

gurrisu gurːɨsʉ/ ぐっりす door

danagi /dənagɨ/ だなぎ decree

saggi /ˈsagʱːɨ/ さっぎ iron pyrites


The glottal stop /ʔ/ is one of the most common sounds. Non-geminate glottal stops are often suppressed between unstressed vowels. The second of a geminate glottal stop becomes a palatal approximant /j/.

’anu ʔanʉ/ あぬ to balance

kuli’a /kʰʉˈliʔə/ くえあ friend

nasiʔu /naˈsiʔjʉ/ なせっう sheep


There are nasal consonants at each of the places of articulation of the plosives. However, the palatal nasal is only found when geminating the alveolar nasal. Nasals are prototypically voiced. Geminate nasals are held for 1 ½ times as long as non-geminates.


The labial nasal /m/ is bilabial.

mana manə/ まな bubble

salumi /səˈlumɨ/ さをみ seven

girammi /gɨˈɽaɨ/ ぎらっみ thunder


The alveolar nasal /n/ is apical. When geminated, this sound is palatal and laminal.

nu /nuː/  to stop

lulani /lʉˈlanɨ/ をわに queen

sinna /ˈsiɲːə/ せっな story


The nasal /ŋ/ is velar.

quliru /ŋʉˈliɽʉ/ もえる family

kunaqi /kʰʉˈnaŋɨ/ くなね earth

laqqu /ˈlaŋːʉ/ わっも wealth


The liquids are mainly differentiated by laterality. This language lacks phonemic glides. Like nasals, approximants are prototypically voiced, and geminates are held for 1 ½ times as long as non-geminates.

The consonant /l/ is lateral and apical. When geminated, this sound is laminal and palatal.

The consonant /ɾ/ is central, retroflex and sub-apical. When geminated, this sound becomes a trill.

lassi lasːɨ/ わっせ baby

kulu /ˈkʰulʉ/ くを fork

malliju /ˈmaʎːɨɟʉ/ まっえよ happiness

ru’iha /ɽʉˈʔihə/ るいは history

karafi /kʰəˈɽafɨ/ からべ enlightenment

qarri /ˈŋaɨ/ げっり to open


Fricatives do not have complete closure of the vocal tract, but are formed with enough constriction to bring turbulence to the airstream.

Fricatives are prototypically voiceless. The lips remain unrounded for all fricatives unless followed or preceded by a rounded vowel. Geminate fricatives are held for 1 ½ times as long as non-geminates.


The fricative /f/ is realised as labiodental.

faxi faɕɨ/ へし to survive

bufiqi /bʉˈfiŋɨ/ ぶべね illness

’iffa /ˈʔiə/ いっへ it


The fricative /s/ is apical.

sikka sikːə/ せっか skin

husabi /huˈsabɨ/ ほさび finger

’alissa /ʔəˈliə/ あえっさ requirement


The palatal fricative /ɕ/ is laminal.

xaha ɕahə/ ざは name

puxila /pʰʉˈɕilə/ ぷしわ message

dixxa /ˈdiɕːə/ でっざ drink


The fricative /h/ is a voiceless sound. When geminate, it is pronounced as a palatal fricative.

hannaku haɲːəku/ はっなく cat

tihu /ˈtʰihʉ/ てほ to dwell

quhha /ˈŋuçːə/ もっは river